What to do when your client decided to do a promotion… yesterday!

It’s Tuesday and you’re under the pump with reporting and reviewing the results across all your client campaigns when hear **ping!** and this message from a client slides across your screen…


“Heya, I want to have some ads tomorrow for this new promotion”


That sip of coffee just went down the wrong way…

…and you can feel the overwhelm creeping up the back of your neck…


How should you respond?

Do you drop everything and get those new ads underway? 


Well, you could… but you don’t want to lose your sanity in the process.


On today’s episode of Online Confidential, where I take you behind the scenes to talk about ‘Secret Ad Manager’ business, I give you the exact steps to save yourself from going into a tailspin of stress and overwhelm when high pressure situations like this one come up.

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