Vanilla. Great for Ice Cream, not for Ad Copy

If I see one more webinar ad from a business coach who coaches other coaches about business coaching that is all vanilla, fluffy, and vague…I will puke!


As an ad manager, it’s generally not your job to be a copywriter.


However, a lot of the time, you probably end up writing the ad copy for clients because that’s just what happens.


Lately, the ad copy in the newsfeed for webinar ads that invite coaches to watch a webinar about coaching other coaches, is waffly, vanilla and vague. 


It’s the type of copy that has a headline like… 


“The three key foundations to working with premium clients with grace and ease.”


When I see ad copy that sounds so vanilla I think what the heck does that even mean? 


How is that speaking to me? 


Ad copy and creative needs to be clearer than ever before. 


You need to speak to the ideal client in a way that you’ve never spoken to them before with a message that really lifts the ads up out of the newsfeed and connects with the audience.


How do you make sure your client’s ad copy speaks to their audience?


On today’s episode of Online Confidential, where I take you behind the scenes to talk about ‘Secret Ad Manager’ business, I dive into how to write ad copy that stands out in the newsfeed and will do a much better job of attracting the right people into your client’s offers than all the vanilla ad copy combined.

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