The importance of your Power Hour to market your own business first

You’ve got clients and you work hard managing ad campaigns to help them get visible and grow their business with the right clients. That’s fabulous!


You probably start the day thinking about your client campaigns. Coffee in hand, you make a beeline to the computer, log in and start looking at the ad counts. Before you know, it, you’re relaunching some ads, turning some off, writing new copy, doing all.the.things until it gets to the lunchtime when you realize you haven’t even had breakfast, you’re still wearing your pj’s and rockin’ crazy morning hair.


Sound familiar?


I know, the struggle is real!


And if we’re being honest with each other, there’s probably one business you’re forgetting to focus on, and that’s your own


On today’s episode of Online Confidential, where I take you behind the scenes to talk about “Secret Ad Manager business” I give you my red hot tips on how a Power Hour will help you find the time to connect with your audience, fill your pipeline with ideal clients and crush your business goals.

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