So you sent a Proposal… 4 ways to close the deal and avoid getting ghosted

If you’ve been managing ads for clients for more than a minute you’ve felt that thrill of jumping off an ace discover call and feeling so close to signing up a new client.  


You hammer out an amazing proposal, hit send and wait…

…3 days goes by… you send a friendly message about your proposal…

…7 days goes by… you send another friendly message about your proposal…

…it’s day 10 now… 

…and the only thing the prospective client has sent back to your inbox is…

…crickets…you’ve been ghosted


You felt sure about them, so what went wrong?


On today’s episode of Online Confidential, where I take you behind the scenes to talk about ‘Secret Ad Manager business’, I give you four ‘lock ‘em down’ ways to avoid being ghosted and set you up to close the deal.

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