Signed A Client Who Isn’t A Good Fit…What Now?

Despite everything you know, there are times when you sign on a client who is not the right fit. 

It happens to all of us. 

Whether you’re new to being an ad manager, or you’re an experienced ad manager, the way you manage clients who don’t turn out to be a good fit is a rite of passage to claim your ad manager label.

You want to help people and often it’s a case of wearing your heart on your sleeve.

You get on calls with people you know you can help and take them on board. 

Maybe there are red flags you choose to ignore, and that feeling in your gut is saying…

‘Oh, this isn’t quite right.’ 

Sometimes there’s something that doesn’t even come on the radar on that first call when everything looked good. 

It’s only after you get them on board that you realize… 

‘Oh, this is not gonna work well.’

So, what do you do? 

On today’s episode of Online Confidential, where I take you behind the scenes to talk about ‘Secret Ad Manager’ business, I give you three solutions for those times when working with clients is challenging and you need to save your sanity and do something about it. 

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