Should you include Ad copy in your Facebook Ad Management services?

Getting people to opt in to offers from Facebook ads means having great ad copy.  


The messaging people read in your client’s ads will either resonate with them and attract them to their offer…or not.


You want to help your clients find great leads but it’s practically impossible when their ad copy won’t convert.


Maybe you have a client who insists on writing their own ad copy, and because they don’t understand Facebook advertising policies their ads are likely to be rejected.


Or they expect you to write their ad copy for them.


Very simply, poorly written ad copy leads to poor performing ads and zero if any decent leads from all the ad spend and effort.


Should you include copy and creative as part of your ad management services?


This a question ad managers often ask me.


Ultimately, it’s your choice, but it’s also important to make sure you’re not the one who loses out because it ends up costing you time or extra expense.


On today’s episode of Online Confidential, where I take you behind the scenes to talk about ‘Secret Ad Manager’ business, I explain the best ways to provide your clients with high quality ad copy so it’s a win-win for everyone.

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