Set yourself up for success by working with the RIGHT ad management clients

Working with clients is like being given a box of chocolates. 

You really want to like them all, but there are going to be some (like that sugary, syrupy one) that you just won’t go back to for seconds. 

In your business, hopefully you discover quickly which clients are a good fit for you and which clients you need to ‘swerve’ past.

If you’re new to ads management or you’ve been working with clients for a while, it takes time to work out the type of clients who will set you up for success because you enjoy working with them.

On today’s episode of Online Confidential, where I take you behind the scenes to talk about Secret Ad Manager business, I give you some solid (not sugary) tips on how to spot clients who will set you up for success, plus what you can do for the ones who aren’t a good fit for your ads management business.

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