Master Your Inner Critic & Set Boundaries To Thrive

When you’re running your own business and working with clients, you’re going to have days when everything is sunshine and rainbows… 


Then there will be days when it all just feels really hard!


But having hard days when things don’t go so well (even if it seems like those days turn into months!) isn’t an invitation for your Inner Critic to show up and take over!


On today’s episode of Online Confidential, I am joined by the amazing and constantly inspiring… Rachel Luna


I connected with Rachel when she was an coach in an online membership program I joined and we clicked straight away. Rachel is the creator of the Girl Confidential podcast and author of ‘Permission To Offend’. 


In this episode, Rachel shares her incredible story of being at ‘rock bottom’ (more than once!) and how those ‘down’ moments were the catalyst for bravely letting go and unapologetically going after what she really wanted.


Here are some of the key highlights:

[00:0:37] The rock bottom ‘down is up’ moment that changed the direction of Rachel’s life

[00:06:33] The common fear about selling that inspired ‘Permission To Offend’

[00:10:02] Why ‘following up’ with someone is being of service

[00:11:40] Setting better boundaries with your clients creates healthy and respectful business relationships 

[00:22:50] Rachel’s 3 step journaling method to shift your energy and create the life you want

[00:31:07] How to use journaling to prepare for difficult conversations that come up from time to time


This episode will inspire you to be your biggest fan, PLUS you’ll take away actionable tips to master your inner ‘meanie’ dialogue when things get hard.


I hope you love listening to this episode as much as I loved having Rachel on the show to share her wisdom with us.

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