Kim’s journey from stay at home mom to Forbes Top 20 Social Media Influencer

If you’ve ever felt lost in all the noise on social media and confused about creating consistent messaging to attract your ideal clients, this episode of Online Confidential is for you!


Every online business owner goes through a process of evolving their messaging, even the ones who seem to have it all together with their hundreds of thousands of followers on every platform!


On this episode of Online Confidential, my guest is an OG of social selling and Forbes Top 20 Social Media Influencer, Kim Garst.


Kim shares how she got started when the internet was just taking off in the early 90’s. 


She’s had her fair share of making ‘mistakes’ and learning along the way in that time!


It’s learning from those ‘mistakes’ that’s helped Kim become a social media authority and create an online business empire teaching strategies for building profitable online businesses. 


Here’s a snippet of some of the really cool stuff we talked about:


02:00 Kim’s journey from stay at home mom to Forbes Top 20 Social Media Influencer

04:45 A big key to being able to establish your authority in a niche

05:03 The mistake most people make with their website

09:00 Kim’s Authority Creator 10 Content piece pre-purposing strategy you can apply as an ad manager

15:04 Going viral may not actually be beneficial to your business

16:51 Three fundamental components to get right in your business

20:00 Going from messy messaging to dialed in and on point for my audience

24:27 Kim’s tip about leading with the transformation you provide so your audience self selects


Turn off your notifications and grab a pen to take some notes because this episode will give you simple actionable tips to focus on creating messaging that connects with your ideal client.


Head over to listen to it here!


Connect with Kim here



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