Julia started her online business just like you and me…

You can learn anything you want to and take that skill to create your own successful online business, even if right now, you have no clue how that might look in the future…


And with that skill you would have the ticket to be able to work from anywhere, quit your 9-5, build a community around your business, or take your business in any direction you decide to?


Does that sound amazing?


I think so!


Which is why I’m so thrilled to bring you today’s episode of Online Confidential and introduce my guest Julia Taylor from GeekPack.


Julia quit her full time job with the US Government and married her military boyfriend. Every time they moved for her husband’s deployment Julia would look for a new job.


Despite having had a successful career she found herself in basic admin jobs until she stumbled on learning website coding which gave her the idea she could use this knowledge to be able to work from anywhere.


That ‘aha’ moment back in 2014 turned into the dynamic GeekPack community that today empowers thousands of women to learn tech skills and build an online business with their knowledge.


Julia’s start is just like yours and mine, where we’re creating businesses from scratch that disrupt the status quo and give us the freedom and flexibility to live life the way we want to.


In this episode, Julia and I talked about,

~ How Julia found her first clients when she started out

~ The Facebook ads strategy GeekPack uses to be ‘everywhere’ with their content

~ Julia’s approach to being visible even though she’s a massive introvert And much more!


If you’re looking for a shot of inspiration to make a leap forward in your business, this episode is one you don’t want to miss!


Head over to listen to this episode here!



Connect with Julia here


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