How to build a team so you can transition from technician

So many ad managers stay stuck in what’s called the ‘Technician’ role. You’re hands on with managing your clients ad accounts and you manage the client directly.


Eventually your capacity is maxed out and so is your earning potential.


No one scales a solo ads management operation into an agency overnight. 


If you want to grow your ads management business you reach a point when you need to decide whether to either,


  1. Charge more
  2. Serve more clients
  3. Charge more and serve more clients

It takes time to find and build the right team and establish systems and processes that allow you to get off the tools so you have more time to invest in growing your business.


In today’s episode of Online Confidential, my guest is THE business coach to some of the most recognized names in the online industry, James Schramko. 


James has worked with Ezra Firestone, Molly Pittman, Ryan Levesque just to name a few of the big names he has worked with over the last 10 years, and he’s also helped over 3,561 entrepreneurs quickly double or triple their revenue while working less.


I asked James for his advice on what ad managers like you should focus on when you’re building your team.


We talked about, 


  • What to do when you want to introduce a client account manager, 
  • How to decide if a team member is the right fit if they’re still making mistakes after 2-3 weeks
  • How to establish boundaries with clients, and 
  • What to do to build visibility of your ads management business, and SO much more!


Whether you have a big goal of managing an agency or you simply want to feel confident making your first team hire so you’re not stuck on the tools, you’ll take away expert tips to help you take the right steps.


Head over to listen to it here!

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