How and when to use Collection Ad Formats

Your ads might be converting well at top-of-funnel but that audience is heading into the ‘hello, is anybody there?’ bottom-of-funnel.


So you’re going to need more than the usual tricks in your ad manager toolbox to retarget that audience and get them over to the conversion party.


I’ve been using a new ad campaign strategy with Collection ads that’s an alternative to a video view campaign for retargeting the bottom-of-funnel audience.


If you haven’t used Collection ads in your retargeting ads strategy, this is an episode you don’t want to miss.


I reveal my Elite Ad Manager tips on,

~ What the Collection ad format is,

~ How to set up a Collection ad, and

~ When to use a Collection ad


In this episode of Online Confidential, where I take you behind the scenes of ‘Secret Ad Manager’ business, you’ll learn one of my favorite Elite Ad Manager strategies with Collection ads. You’ll definitely want keep this strategy up your sleeve to tackle those tricky bottom-of-funnel retargeting challenges.

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