HOT tips on how to automate and accelerate your business!

Ever felt stuck with those repetitive tasks that take the time you know would be better spent on revenue generating activities in your business?


Every day, week and month you’re doing repetitive tasks in your business that can be automated.  


If you haven’t embraced automation in your business, let me warn you…


Once you get started with one automation you’ll be hooked and looking into every opportunity to automate those simple repetitive tasks that add up to a lot of time in your business!


On today’s episode of Online Confidential, my guest James Rose is the co-founder of Content Snare and we nerd out over his tips for automating simple tasks that have a big impact on time and simplifying daily workflow.


Here are some of the key points we chatted over:

[00:03:00] How do you decide what you should automate

[00:04:55] The things James automates to make his work day easier

[00:07:00] Automation empowers you in more ways than saving time

[00:09:35] How to use automation for personalization

[00:11:43] Why it’s a good idea to automate standard processes like onboarding

[00:15:40] What to say to clients who resist upgrading their Zapier account


Head over to listen to it here!



Connect with James here



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