Going from furloughed to Elite Ads Manager with Casandra Galvez

On today’s episode of Online Confidential I chat with one of my Elite Ad Manager graduates, Casandra Galvez.


Here are some of the key highlights from this episode:

[00:01:48] Why Casandra decided to act fast and learn how to run Facebook Ads for clients

[00:02:44] The difference between traditional marketing and Facebook marketing

[00:05:28] What Casandra likes best about the lifestyle of an ads manager

[00:09:52] The simple step to qualify if clients are really ready for ads, even if they say they are!

[00:11:55] The secret tactics you can tell your clients to increase their lead conversions 


Way back in 2017, Casandra spotted an ad in her newsfeed that promoted running ads for clients. At the time, Casandra was in a full-time role as a Marketing Analyst for a large corporate so while the idea sparked her interest, she wasn’t in a position to do anything with it.


Fast forward to 2020 when Casandra was furloughed from her corporate role and left to figure out what her future looked like.


Was it the universe tapping on her shoulder or just plain luck (thanks mighty algorithm) when Casandra saw another Facebook ad promoting a program to learn how to run Facebook ads?


Life is very different for Casandra now. She has a successful ads management business working with her husband, and together they run ads for 6 and 7 figure coaches and course creators.


Head over to listen to it here!

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