Ever wished converting clients on sales calls was EASY to do?

Hooray! You’ve got a potential client on a call and there’s not a red flag in sight! 


The timing’s perfect, you have an opening for a new client and you love everything you’ve learnt about them and their business… 


…And this is right about the time I see many well-meaning and deserving ad managers trip up in their sales calls and lose potential clients like they were sucked into the far reaches of the internet, never to be heard from again.


Love ‘em or dread ‘em…if you’re an ads manager with retainer clients then you know you have to book regular sales calls to keep your pipeline full.


Wouldn’t it be great if you knew how to convert potential clients on sales calls in way that feels natural and well…easier?


That’s exactly what I have in store for you today.


On this episode of Online Confidential, my guest is the undisputed ‘Sales Queen’ Renee Hribar! 


I’ve loved working with Renee and learnt so much from her over the years as I’ve built my online business. Renee is also a favorite regular with her winning sales strategies inside my Elite Ad Manager community. 


Renee has an arsenal of lethally simple sales tips for selling like you were born for it, even if you break out in a cold sweat just hearing the words ‘sales call’.


In this episode, Renee shares these 3 tips and a whole lot more for sales calls that convert,

  1. Where to find your ideal clients with her 3C’s framework
  2. How to naturally build rapport online and get on your ideal client’s radar
  3. The one thing she never fails to do in the first client call

If you want to increase your sales call to paying client strike rate, this is an episode you definitely want to tune into,


Grab your notebook and head over to listen to it here!


Connect with Renee here


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