Do you really need to build an audience with Facebook Ads?

Reports are coming in that unexplainable rising ad costs are causing ad managers who only run conversion campaigns to experience migraine-like headaches that last for the entire length of client campaigns.

Remote offices all over the world are where ad managers are hiding and crying into their morning coffee looking dishevelled and exhausted because…

Costs per click have doubled, tripled or more…

Conversion rates have hit rock bottom…

CPMs are higher than the temperature of lava…

Costs per lead are more expensive than a triple shot caramel macchiato…

Clients are wailing and asking their ad manager “Why are my ad costs higher than last time??!!” 

Ok, that’s a little dramatization!

If your ad strategies only focus on cold audience conversion campaigns you’re narrowing the chance of conversion only to the 2-3% of buyers who are ready to purchase.  That’s an expensive audience.

Meanwhile competitors are scooping up the people in the 97% that you aren’t getting ads in front of. 

This is why audience building and warming up audiences needs to be part of your strategy to convert more people into your client’s offers.

On today’s episode of Online Confidential, where I take you behind the scenes to talk about ‘Secret Ad Manager’ business, I explain why building audiences and warming up audiences are the strategies Elite Ad Managers use to increase conversions and get amazing results with Facebook ads.

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