Are you focusing on the right things when it comes to money?

I had the amazing opportunity to chat with my guest Dr. Portia Jackson, former aerospace engineer and creator of Wealthy and Fulfilled.


If you’re like most people, you didn’t get much education on managing money in school or from your parents when you were growing up.


We leave school, get jobs, maybe buy a house, start a business, buy investments and try to do our best with limited financial knowledge.


When there’s plenty of money in the bank, life is easy, but when you’re living paycheck to paycheck, money can be very stressful.


At one time or another, money gives us challenges…

Maybe it’s credit card debt…

Maybe it’s a launch that flopped…

Maybe it’s a health crisis…

Maybe it’s an investment that tanked…

Maybe it’s _____________…


And along with those experiences can come a whole list of negative emotions like shame, guilt, embarrassment, fear and disappointment…


On today’s episode of Online Confidential, Dr. Portia Jackson shares easy tips and a positive perspective that will quickly get you in control of your money without going to the extreme of eating beans on toast every day (who wants to do that?!)

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