🔒Security Series: Protecting Your Personal Profile on Facebook

Having your Facebook profile hacked is a serious issue but there are steps you can and should take to minimize the aftermath in the event it happens to you.


An ad manager recently posted in my Inner Circle for ad managers group about waking up to find thousands had been spent in their ad account and their client’s ad accounts.


It was devastating.


An event like this is one I hope you never have to go through.


Unfortunately, it’s not until it happens that we realize there are steps that may have meant it could have been avoided.


In this Security episode of Online Confidential, where I take you behind the scenes of ‘secret ad manager’ business, I explain the steps that you, your team and your clients need to do RIGHT NOW to ensure yours and their Facebook profiles and ad accounts are secure.


This episode will also equip you with what to do when the security of your Facebook profile or ad account is compromised.


🔒Online security is not to be overlooked or taken lightly, so I strongly recommend this security process is included in your client and team onboarding so they know what to do if their account is hacked.


Here’s what I covered:

~ Steps for best practice password security

~ How to make sure your Facebook Profile has high security

~ Where to check alerts for unauthorized logins

~ How to check whether that Facebook email is legit

~ The back door access you didn’t know about and how to remove it

~ What to do (& not to do) when you’ve been hacked

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