Episode 121: Unleash your inner superstar with content that hits the heart

Key Highlights [00:02:07] The type of content that never fails

Jody Milward

Key Highlights

[00:02:07] The type of content that never fails to connect with your ideal client

[00:03:23] Three things your brand needs to make your clients feel seen and heard 

[00:04:08] Five content pillars that solidify connection and humanise your brand

[00:09:00] Carrie breaks down how to come up with a rally cry/manifesto that makes your ideal clients think ‘they get me’

[00:13:18] The power of color and what it communicates in branding 

[00:20:32] Content pieces you can create for your ads management business

Jody: [00:00:00] Welcome to this episode of Online Confidential, where we are going behind the scenes to talk about getting visible and the content to get together, to get out there and get seen, because there’s no point in being the best kept secret! 

Today’s special guest, I’m super excited to share with you the genius and the expertise of Carrie.

Carrie: I love it so much. I’m so excited to be here. Thank you so much for [00:00:30] asking me. Like literally when I got the emails I was like ‘Me?’

I’m so grateful. 

Jody: Awesome. Now guys, if you don’t know Carrie, she’s certainly someone to know. She is such a gem and just always lights up the room whenever she gets talking. It’s just amazing. So, but I’ve brought her with you not just to light up the room here today. But to share her expertise about branding and human psychology and all the things that she does as she’s helping people to [00:01:00] get visible.

And she has such an amazing zone of genius. So Carrie, I’ll let you tell us a bit more about youself.

Carrie: My name is Carrie Thomas-Omaur. I like to call myself a visibility coach and a brand alchemist. I added something in there as well, as a vision activator. So a lot of our clients come to me because they are, I like to call them unboxable visionaries. 

They have all of these amazing ideas. They’re multi-passionate, but they can’t figure out how to put it together in a way that [00:01:30] actually aligns with their goals as well as with the people that they want to serve. They’re like I have a smorgasboard Carrie, what do I do? 

So I come together, I kind of piece everything together and help them build a beautiful business that aligns with who they are. That is a way for them to share their passions, and it’s just fun. And now they have a business that’s fun and they love and they make amazing revenue.

Jody: Love it. And like you say, a lot of us can have like a lot of vision, but what do we do about it? What content do we get out there? I know for a lot of ad [00:02:00] managers, that’s the thing. We can get really technical and we can say, are your CPMs this, are your CTRs this, but it needs more than that to make connection with people.

[00:02:11] So say for our ad managers, with that human psychology and brand psychology, what content should we be creating? Should we just be creating content like, ‘here’s how to lower your CTR’ all the time? 

Carrie: What I like to say is that in everything you do, you want to be able to create heart alignment.[00:02:30] 

And I like to say there’s a couple pillars of heart alignment and the first pillar of heart alignment is do you have a rally cry? Is there a manifesto or something that you have in your business that when your people hear it, it touches them at a soul level? It connects with them at a heart level. And I like to say the reason why we want to connect with somebody at a heart level is 91% of decisions are made subconsciously.

So if you can connect to somebody at a heart level, at a subconscious level, that actually leads to the desired outcomes on a conscious level. So the first one is [00:03:00] going to be, do you have a rally cry? So there’s a rally cry that we use where we say that we’re disruptors in the market, that we believe that no human should be put in a back in a box to simplify their thinking.

When our clients hear that, they’re like, yes, I don’t want to be put in a box. I don’t want to simplify my thinking. Yes, Carrie, I don’t know why I’m here, but let’s go, wherever we’re going I’m rolling with you. That’s the first thing. Do you have a rally cry? 

The second thing is do you have colors, fonts and imagery that actually tell the story in a creative narrative where your clients are [00:03:30] seen and heard?

So colors, fonts and imagery are so important because it creates emotion and a feeling when people see your stuff. They’re like, I don’t know why, but I just feel so comfortable talking to her. I feel like she energizes me, she makes me excited. Every time I look at her content, we’re not even on the phone, but I’m just excited.

Because I saw something, I feel comforted. I feel pushed and motivated, empowered. These are the stories and the narratives that you want your clients to tell. So that’s the second thing. Colors, fonts [00:04:00] and imagery. 

The next piece is do you solidify the connection? And what I mean by solidifying the connection is, this is where we have our humanistic content strategy.

So inside of the humanistic content strategy, there’s five pillars of content. 

The first pillar of content is what we call heart content. These are going to be your rally cries, your why. This is where your true passion comes in. The second one is going to be what we call resourceful content. These are those micro quick wins when people are like, I’m not ready to work with her yet, but every time I come [00:04:30] to her page, I’m learning something and she’s helping me be able to work with her later. She’s my go-to person. 

The third thing is going to be strategic content. This is where you get to share your framework, your thought process, how to lower your CTA, how to lower those numbers. I don’t even know the numbers. 

The next one is, when I say all things you, this is where you get to share part of your life. Literally, Jody’s so great at this, when she shared that picture of her Estee [00:05:00] Lauder makeup, but I was like, yes, this is what I mean. Like, I get her, I understand her. I’ve had those situations where I’ve dropped my favorite foundation and I feel like my life is ruined for like those 10 years of life.

And it was like how she was able to tie that into that story was so powerful, but it was able for me to get a sliver of how she lives her life. I now know that she uses Estee Lauder so now I feel like we have a bond and a connection that I didn’t know before because I use Estee.[00:05:30] 

The next one is going to be what I like to say client experience. These are going to be your core values, your testimonials. This is where you have your offers. And what’s really great about this humanistic content strategy is, I like to call it the King Arthur round table experience. So King Arthur, when he had the round table, he said, all of us are leaders, but when we come together, we can truly build a bond that could change the world.

And that’s how you want to think about the humanist kinds of the strategy. Every piece of content is powerful on its own, but when it comes together, it actually solidifies the [00:06:00] connection between you and your client because they’re able to get a full scope of who you are, how you serve, and why you’re passionate about it.

And I like to say the reason why that’s important is because right now it takes about 21 touchpoints for people to actually convert it to a client. I literally just got off the phone with one of our clients that found me two weeks ago, she found me two weeks ago and right now she’s a five figure client [00:06:30] and she found me two weeks ago.

And the reason why this is so important and why this content strategy is so important is because I was able to create these touchpoints for her where she wanted to keep coming back for content. If she didn’t know what to expect when she came to my page, a lot of times what ends up happening is when you find people, you’ll go to them because you’re like, oh, they have really great education, but right now I don’t need that education.

I need to put my filters on. So I’m not going to go to their page. So it might be a [00:07:00] month or two months before you go back to their page. You might have some people that inspire you, but you know what? I don’t need to be inspired. I just need to take action. So then what happens is you don’t go to their page, but if you are able to create that round table experience of all of the content you have them coming back over and over and over again, which shortens the conversion rate. 

People convert so much faster when you create human content strategy. We’ve seen it so many times when people come into our world and they convert because we show all of those wheels [00:07:30] at the same time.

And then the last heart alignment pillar is going to be, do you create a home? And this is really where I like to say this is that piece where everybody’s like, ‘oh my gosh, I want what you’re selling!’ And then a lot of times they’ll be like, all right, talk soon, feel motivated, go off into the world and they’ll be like, but wait, I’m ready! 

So you want to be able to create a home. You want to make sure you have offer services that actually [00:08:00] speak to the needs of your audience. And that’s why it’s so important to be able to understand that heart alignment and truly understand your customers at that human level.

Jody: Love it. Wow. Get that everybody? Okay. That’s it for today! So there was so much in there, Carrie. Like I said, she’s just so full of energy, isn’t it great guys? 

So let’s recap. So that’s five points, is that correct? 

Carrie: Four. 

Jody: Four. Okay. So give us the headlines for each of those again. 

Carrie: Well, the first one is do you create a Rally [00:08:30] cry?

Jody: Rally cry. Yes. 

Carrie: Colors, fonts and imagery that tell a story. 

Jody: Okay. Hang on, on that one. Colors? 

Carrie: Colors, fonts and imagery. 

Jody: And imagery. So your brand visuals.

Carrie: What story do your visuals tell? The next one is do you solidify the connection? This is really where your content comes in, do you keep hitting me with content points that are creating those tethers?

And then the last one is do you create a home? That’s where your offers come in. [00:09:00] 

Jody: Awesome. Oh my gosh, so much in each of these things. So the first one, the rally cry. Okay, let’s just unpack each of these then, because like I know a lot of ad managers, we can just get caught up where we’re used to working on this side of the computer, supporting our clients and getting out there, but we need to get out there and get visual as well.

So having this solid content strategy, because a lot of the time it’s, what do we say? What do we say? Let’s look at a rally cry. So for us ad [00:09:30] managers, a lot of that can be we help you get the best results with your Facebook ads. It could be, we help you build and grow your business so that you can hire more staff and have a lifestyle, work less, et cetera.

Carrie: We’ll use what you said. So when you said like, we create ads that help you live a life that you want. Does that really touch you though? It’s like, okay, but I’m [00:10:00] not hit.

Jody: Exactly. 

Carrie: What do ads help me do at a core human level? It helps me be able to make an impact faster. So those are the pieces. How can we hit somebody where they’re listening and they’re like, yes, yes, yes! Jump off a building? I’m with you, let’s go! That’s that rally cry. 

That’s why I like to say before we kind of create heart alignment,[00:10:30] it is really important to be able to understand who your audience is at a core level as humans.

So once you’re able to understand your audience at a core level as humans, what are their interests? What are those last thoughts before they close their eyes to sleep? Those are the things that you want to be able to have, and that’s what you put in your rally cry. It’s funny, the last thought before they close their eyes to sleep is actually a piece in our manifesto.

And when our clients hear that, they’re like, oh my gosh. She understands, [00:11:00] she gets it. 

Jody: Right. 

Carrie: And one of our other ones is that humans are intrinsic beings, so should never be put in a box of simplify their thinking. When our clients hear that, they’re like, ‘I don’t want to simplify me, I don’t want to be put in a box. That’s exactly where I’m at’. 

So they’re like, they’re saying, yeah. So what are the statements that you can say that are going to make your clients be like, yes, yes, and as a human, not as a business, but as a human. [00:11:30] 

Jody: Absolutely. This comes back to us as ad managers, we’d be saying to our clients, who’s your avatar?

Who’s your target audience? What’s keeping them awake at night? What’s that last thought before they close their eyes and go to sleep? So this is where we need to also do that work and go, who is my avatar? Who is it? And feel the fear that sometimes your clients might go through to think, oh, I feel like I’m being too narrow and I need to have it wider. 

No. When you do sort of have it narrow, when you [00:12:00] do have that message dialled in to know who it is that you’re talking to, others will still come. They will still resonate with it, but at least you’ve got that clarity and, this is again then where you’ve got to think, okay, so who is it that is my target audience?

Is it someone who is the business owner and I am talking to that person and the digital course creator, that visionary of the business, who wants it to grow, who wants to make that impact? Or am I maybe talking to you who want to get corporates on board or established businesses, and so you might be talking [00:12:30] to a marketing person.

The marketing team who are looking to outsource their Facebook ads.   

Carrie: They’re looking at that fast movement. So if you’re thinking about a corporate, you’re talking. Fast, speed, effectiveness, simplicity, that’s going to speak to them because they’re like, that’s what we need and that’s why we’re outsourcing.

Because if we wanted to do all of that other stuff, we would do it. 

Jody: Yep. Absolutely. Awesome. Love that. Little [00:13:00] insight on that one as well, Carrie. Amazing. So we’ve got our rally cry. Know who your person is so that you can have that rally cry that’s going to hit their heart so to speak, as you were saying.

Okay. So the next one? 

Carrie: The next one is visuals. It’s colors, fonts and imagery that tell the story. 

Jody: So how can we unpack that for ad managers here? 

Carrie: A lot of times when it comes to your branding pieces is asking [00:13:30] yourself not only what colors feel great to me, is what story and narrative do I want my clients to feel when they come into my world.

Do I want them to feel safe? Do I want them to feel relaxed? Do I want them to feel like they can let go? Understanding that and then ask yourself, what colors, fonts and imagery tell that story? If you’re saying, I want my clients to feel relaxed and let go, using really bright, vibrant colors is not going to tell that story because they’re not going to [00:14:00] feel relaxed and they can let go because they’re feeling like there’s a lot of energetic energy because of what I like to say, the color energy that it portrays.

Jody: Excellent. So I’m thinking with the funnels and the websites and everything that’s out there, there are a lot of ones that look very feminine or relaxed and fun. But again, if you’re going for a corporate audience, so to speak, then that may not align with that whole vision and that branding that you’re wanting to get [00:14:30] across to that audience.

Carrie: I like to say color is the emotion. Thoughts are the voice and then imagery is really where the action comes in. What actively are they seeing? How are they actively seeing you guys working together? And that’s why images are so important. Because at a psychological level they want to feel like they could be in that same space with you, and would they feel comfortable in that space?[00:15:00] 

Jody: Awesome. I’m just going back to colors because I know branding for me has been like, if you look at my YouTubes, or go over the years, you go, what is this woman doing? She doesn’t know what she’s at because there’s been a few iterations of getting it right.

How do I want this to look? And all the rest of it. So how do we go about getting that brand consistency or choosing a color because we might, ‘Ooh, I like purple’ just because you like purple is it a [00:15:30] good color to go for? And then what are the complimentary colors that go with it?

How do we figure that stuff out?

Carrie: Right now it looks like we have for you, you have a white, cream.

Jody: Oh my gosh, here we go. It depends what you’re looking at there.

Carrie: I’m on the website. I’m on 

Jody: Oh, which by the way, is in its final stages of getting reworked. So this one is a bit of a hideous one, which I cringe when people are looking at it.[00:16:00] 

Carrie: I love it. Okay, so what I would say, yeah, because I see a green that I’ve never seen before in anything else. I was like, where’s the green? I’ve never seen that green. So what I would say for you, the one thing that I would tell you to do is the white is to start. 

Jody: Oh okay, because I like the white.

Carrie: The reason why is when people use white, people don’t realize the energy that white gives off. It gives harsh. [00:16:30] Harsh, uncomfortable. It’s almost like when you think about like going into a hospital, hospitals aren’t comfortable. It’s sterile. So you don’t want somebody to have a harsh feeling.

Now if you went a shade in and get anoff light, it creates a completely different energy. You just don’t want to do straight white, you just want to do a off-white, because it creates a warmth. Just [00:17:00] by toning it down a little bit, adding a little bit more color into it.

So that would be the first, that would be the first thing that I would say is you want to do that. The next thing I would say is you use peachy colors and I would actually say those colors are not complimentary for you personally because you have very red undertones. So because you have red undertones, you want to make sure that you pop off.

So you actually doing more warm brighter [00:17:30] tones are actually going to pop you more. So greens and blues and things like that are actually going to be better than the more peachy tones because you get lost. 

Jody: That’s right. Love it. Love a bit of pop. Awesome. Okay. That’s great insights.

Don’t you love that guys? Oh, it’s awesome. 

Carrie: I would definitely say the blue is great. I like the different tones of blue. I would add in some type of [00:18:00] pop color. Mm-hmm. Just to elevate it and create a little bit of excitement. Because of what you do, you do want to make them feel safe. You want them to feel comfort, but you want them to be excited about this new journey that they’re going down right when they’re start to dive into ads.

Also because you teach ads management, you want them to also have that excitement as well. 

Jody: Awesome. Okay. Love it. Love it. Great. 

Carrie: That is a great example of color energy. 

Jody: Okay, got that guys. So if you have a white background, because I was like, oh, it’s nice and clean [00:18:30] and clear and minimalistic. But no, don’t do that.

Give it a bit of an off white. So what’s that? That’s like 0 what is it? F is for white so it’ll be #f1f1f1 or something like that. 

Carrie: I tell people, we probably have so many off whites and you want that off white to match. Either it could be a cool off white or warm off white, and you want it to be able to match whatever your other primary colors are.

Because your white is what I [00:19:00] consider a grounding color and it just brings scenes kind of down and kind of like rooted. 

Jody: Okay, awesome. I’m just remembering way back in the day there was a cricketer commentator over here in Australia. You guys who don’t know cricket, it’s a sport that we play.

Us and England. And he always wore beige so they were always talking about his suit. It was a joke. is it the beige, the bone, the white, the off-white, the ivory, it was all these variations. And I always just hear that when I’m thinking of [00:19:30] all these little variations.

Colors. Fantastic. So that was a great deep dive there guys, so I hope that inspires you with your considerations. I’m like, ‘oh, okay. Maybe I should consider this with my colors’. That’s fantastic, Carrie. What was that third point? 

Carrie: The third one is going to be solidifying the connection.

And this is where the humanistic content strategy falls in. And this is where you’re now asking yourself, how can I create what I call a visibility flywheel of a foundational [00:20:00] credibility layer of content where people, when they search for me, when they see me somewhere, they’re like, oh, I know what Carrie does.

I know how she serves her people. And I’m able to keep coming back, back and forth, back and forth to really decrease that conversion rate because I’m hitting all of my touch points. 

Jody: Okay. So some example sort of content pieces for us ad managers there, what suggestions?

Carrie: I would say one of the first things is being able to let people know when [00:20:30] they’re ready to do ads.

Because a lot of times there are people like, do it right now and then you’re like, ‘but really though?’ Probably not. 

Yes, it’s great for the ads manager to get some money, but realistically, if they don’t have a lead magnet, they don’t have places where people can go. Them starting ads probably might not be a good thing.

So letting people know when they’re ready, to actually start running ads. What’s going to be that great time? What things should they be thinking about when searching for an ads manager? [00:21:00] Providing quick wins and tangible content where they can actually take action immediately. Being able to share your strategies of how you’ve helped clients. 

So for you, Jody, talking about your Client Attraction Code, that is your strategic content, but the way you explain it is simple. And I don’t feel overwhelmed because I don’t understand ads. I know, I told you, yes, we run nice little top of funnel ads for them sometimes. 

But it’s very clean and easy [00:21:30] and like I tell people when it comes to like how Jody explains it, we’re like, yeah, no, we don’t, I don’t know nothing ‘bout that. It’s like she’s talking about like, you layer in this and you have like seven sets to this that I’m like, but then how she explained it, how she first talks about it, I’m like, oh, I can do that.

Like I want to do that and I’m excited. You’re explaining that process. The next one is like how you talked about like the Estee Lauder makeup. That’s a great way of you sharing with your [00:22:00] client, a little sliver of yourself, but then also being able to tie it into inspiration with heart content.

So I would call that a beautiful content blend. Sharing your client stories and testimonials is a great way to do client experience, actually talking about who your audience is. You did all this deep work explaining who they are as people. I actually create content about that so they can be able to identify themselves and say, oh, this is a person who gets me and sees me.

Jody: Awesome. So when we [00:22:30] are looking at that, and maybe I’m jumping ahead then, so what was the next topic?

Carrie: The next one is your offers. Creating a home

Jody: Yep. Creating home. Fantastic. That’s where we want to go. So let’s unpack that one then. 

Carrie:  Now that you have all these things, I always like to say, when you figure out who your audience is, I like to think about it as an evolution of transformation that they go through.

So we’ll use you Jody, so let’s use [00:23:00] your ads manager program, your highest program that you have, your more in depth one, that one is the Elite. So think about Elite, so that’s the goal you want them there, and then what would be your goal for them once they leave Elite?

Jody: Goal for the ad managers as they go through and do the certification?  

Carrie: Yes, they’re done with Elite and now they’re off on their own. What would that look like at that point? 

Jody: Okay, [00:23:30] then they would be in the Clique, my mastermind, continuing to get support as they’re consistently making five figure months and just managing themselves, managing the clients, and helping them to bring in maybe additional revenue streams with some coaching and courses.

Carrie: Okay, perfect. So now imagine a person is a VA who has been doing a little VA work, and then you have this person that’s making five figure months [00:24:00] and doing coaching and other streams of revenue. You see that huge gap? So the question that you want to ask yourself when you create your offers is, what is the first shift that needs to happen for that person?

Who do they need to become to be ready for that next offer? So I want to say that one is your, your first offer. One of our clients, one of our people are in it. 

Jody: I’ve got the Inner Circle membership, but then there’s ADvisory. 

Carrie: I think it’s the Inner Circle. [00:24:30] Because it’s Inner Circle then ADvisory.

Jody: Right. Advisory is actually in Inner Circle, but yes, it is also a standalone program, but I’d say it’s inner circle membership. Getting support.

Carrie: So it’s that first piece of being able to understand how to be an ads manager. Like what are those things? I remember when Chris was doing it, she was like, I’m trying to make a decision if I’m going to move to the next step.

And I was like, ‘Go, just go for it. Are you ready? Go!’ But that’s how you want to think about it. You were like, okay, what’s that first shift they have to make? And that’s that first offer. [00:25:00] And then from that, when they move to that next place, so let’s say they leave ADvisory, they would not be ready for The Clique.

They wouldn’t be at that point. So you’re going to create another offer that’s going to fit their needs that are going to speak to them and actually help them move to the next level. So that’s how you want to think about your offers, because you’re hitting on their needs, their desires. You’re helping them create these shifts and turning into new versions of themselves as they go through that journey with you.

So you’re not just creating [00:25:30] random courses that aren’t thinking about where they’re trying to go in life. What are they trying to create? It’s never one. I love your products. I feel like it absolutely flows beautifully because what happens, I see so many times with a lot of our clients before they come to us is they have their high ticket, they have their Inner Circle, their their high ticket mastermind.

And they’re like, ‘I’m trying to get people in my mastermind. I can’t find them’. I’m like, well, how much is the Mastermind? Well, it’s $50,000. So you have to take somebody who never heard of you to pay you [00:26:00] $50,000? That’s a huge gap. 

It’s almost like you’re on the other side saying, ‘Hey, it’s ok, you can jump down. I have a boat for you’. 

They’re like, ‘no, it seems really far’. 

You want to be able to create these little islands so they feel comfortable just jumping over and then what ends up happening is you’re creating your clients. So you’ve probably seen that ascension yourself as your people that are in Clique have probably been in your other programs and they just evolved with you.

That’s the [00:26:30] perfect way to be able to create a home and create an offer suite that aligns with their goals. 

Jody: Awesome. Thank you so much for picking my stuff apart there again and for loving it. That was awesome. As we’re going through that, I’m thinking, okay, so the ad managers, we mentioned just a bit earlier, where it’s like, okay, can start running ads, but they may not be ready for it.

So this is where the home for the ad managers can be. Get them on a call. Great. They’re not ready to run ads. What do they need now to get ready [00:27:00] and how can you support them there? Is it to do a strategy session with them? Okay. Your goal is to do a launch. Let’s start with getting a lead magnet.

Getting a list built, getting visibility with your Client Attraction Code, getting those retargeting ads out there. So starting there and getting them underway with that, and then it’s like, okay, they’re still not ready for done for you after the strategy session. That’s where you can offer them some coaching and it could be one-on-one coaching, but to make it more scalable, [00:27:30] make it group coaching.

Once a week so everyone can be in there. Then they can start getting results. They’ve got your eyes on it, your support, and then they can afford to pay you for the done for your services. So as an ad manager, that’s the home. Just because they’re not ready to run Facebook ads now, there is still something that you can offer them.

Carrie: And what’s so amazing too, is when you go through that process. The client that you’re getting at that done for you [00:28:00] now is so much in a better position for you to be able to actually go in and work without trying to dig through junk of them trying to do it all themselves without your support.

You already pretty much helped them set up everything to be primed and ready for you.

Jody: Exactly. 

Carrie: And then something too that I thought of that just came up. You can do a strategy session, but very easily you could create a small group container for entry level people to show them how to be able to create a lead magnet, build an email list, [00:28:30] all that stuff.

So super action packed and they’re like, ‘oh my gosh, this is so amazing’. And then you can even have them like, ‘Hey, we’re going to set up a top of funnel ad. I’m going to walk you guys through it’. Bam, bam, bam. $10 a day, they’re going, what? I can do that? And just move them through. 

Jody: Absolutely, love it. So there’s four key areas, absolutely gold for us as ad managers to get out there, get visible, make sure we’re talking to the right clients at the right point.

Having that sort of content out there that is, [00:29:00] touching on those relative areas and then having that home where we can serve them and support them. So with all of that, as I’ve said, us ad managers tend to hide behind the computer, not want to get out there and get visible, but this is part of our Visibility Series.

And Carrie, as you can hear here, she knows her stuff when it comes to helping people create content. Having those content pillars and putting things out there. And I know for a lot of ad managers, like honestly, myself included. 

Here I [00:29:30] was yesterday. I’d been off to a lady’s networking breakfast. They were talking about social media. So I had my makeup on. I had a nice shirt on. I was like, okay, I’m going to do a video. And I just stood there with my camera and I was like, I can’t think of anything to say. 

So I just took a photo and I’ll use it later. So I couldn’t think of something to say.

So this is what we can be in our own heads so much and go, I don’t know what to say. What should I do this? And making sure you’re saying the right things because we don’t want it to be [00:30:00] all about us. We want to be a guide and support our clients. So this is where Carrie is great at being able to help people to get this information out. 

She actually has an amazing service at the moment to help people get their video content pieces together so that they can get stuff out there and it’s an amazing deal. So, Carrie, tell us all about that. 

Carrie: It’s called ‘Videos Made Easy’. It is a done for you hold [00:30:30] your hand video content creation process.

Literally how it works is you sign up, you fill out a form. I get the form, I actually create your content topics. Here’s your 10 content topics. Here’s your talking points. We have a prep call where I actually help you determine where are you going to create your content? What’s your scene going to be?

What colors and font, what colors and clothes are you going to wear, so you can actually pop off camera? Then from there, we schedule a recording call and guess who’s on the call? I’m literally there with you the whole [00:31:00] time, virtually holding your hand, literally giving you feedback on the spot. Make sure whatever content you create is masterful.

Then from there, the team takes it. They edit it at the captions, do all the Alex Hormozi stuff, and then in four short days you get that content back and you’re ready to post. 

Jody: Awesome. And so how many videos do you get out of it typically? 

Carrie: You get 10 short form videos out of it.

Jody: Nice. Nice. And having someone to hold your hand and go through that. Because that just helps you to stop [00:31:30] worrying about it and thinking about it. Second, guessing yourself and then doing what I did yesterday of not doing it. So having someone hold your hand, do this and do the video production because I know what that’s like. I will do my own reels.

I’ve got CapCut so I can do my own videos and I can do it, but is it the best use of my time? No it’s not. Is it the best use of your time? No, it’s not. Because video editing can take a little while and then it’s learning the tools and all the rest. 

Carrie: We have a client, she [00:32:00] loves editing her videos.

It’s like her little safe space. Yeah. But I’ll ask her ‘how long did you take?’ She’s like, ‘oh, an hour’. I’m like, girl. And she’s like, ‘I know’, but she’s like, ‘it gives me a reason to stop and focus and just do something different’. So I’m like, go for it. 

Jody, I don’t know if you saw, but we run a monthly workshop.

It’s called Reel ‘Em In, and it’s how I created 73 reels in two hours. So that workshop is a free workshop and it kind of shows [00:32:30] if you’re like, I don’t know if I’m ready to have you do my videos, but I want to try by myself. I literally give you my full process of how I create content, my thought processes, how I map out my content.

We do it live, we do it monthly. We do it two times a month. So if you guys are interested in that, you can come hang out with me there and it’s super fun. 

Jody: Awesome. Yeah. Well that would be great. And so while we are just talking about Reels, a lot of people, and I think thankfully this such stage has passed [00:33:00] of here’s the dancing and the pointing.

And I did a couple of those. I kind of like to have a bit of fun sort of now and then but, ugh, no, it wasn’t me. And I know that’s the case for a lot of ad managers as well. So I think also, when we are creating our reels, thankfully now it’s more you can just talk to camera. It’s that original content.

Carrie: That’s what people are looking for.

Jody: Yeah, exactly. Yeah. 

Carrie: That’s what people are looking for. The cool part about having original content is you can repurpose it a lot easier. We post our content on LinkedIn. We put it [00:33:30] in our emails, we put it on Facebook reels, LinkedIn, TikTok, Instagram. Pinterest, YouTube, we put it everywhere.

We can just post it. We don’t have to worry about trying to find that same trending sound. 

Jody: Exactly. 

Carrie: We don’t have to worry about taking off meta tags and logos and all that stuff. Nobody has time for that. I just want to post and go. And being able to have organic content gives you the ability to do that without the overwhelm of [00:34:00] trying to figure it all out.

Because even though Facebook and Instagram are owned by the same people, the sounds are not the same. 

Jody: No, they’re not. And then if you’ve got music in there or something, you can’t use that in an ad. So, this is what we want to keep in mind. It’s like create your content pieces, have these pillar content pieces, and then promote them a dollar a day.

Get them out there so that you continue to be seen, you continue to be visible in people’s newsfeed, in your ideal client’s newsfeed. So making all [00:34:30] this content that’s relevant for them in a way that can go on for them more than just a day or a couple of days. Carrie, it has been awesome talking with you.

So guys, hope you’ve taken lots of great notes about that, inspired about creating some content and I think definitely tap into Carrie’s workshop there. They sound amazing to help you get unblocked as well as her reels video offer. If you’ve been stalling on getting visible, creating [00:35:00] your own videos, this will make you accountable.

It’ll get it done, because it takes up such mental space. When you keep thinking, I’ve gotta do this, I’ve gotta do this, I’ve gotta do this. It can get you down. So just making this investment in yourself, in your business, it’s marketing cost to get yourself out there, and get visible is money well spent. 

So Carrie, where can people go and find out more about you? 

Carrie: You can find me on social media at Carrie Thomas Omaur. My Instagram and [00:35:30] TikTok is @brandingwithcarrie_ and you can also find all of my links, everything at

Jody: Awesome. And I do just have to apologize for butchering your name with my accent, making it more Kari instead of Carrie, because Kerry is my sister and it’s spelled in a completely different way. 

Carrie: So awesome.

Jody: Okay, well thank you so much Carrie and it’s been a delight talking with you [00:36:00] today, guys. Go check her out. She knows her stuff and she’s great at helping with visuals. I’ve seen the work that she’s done working with clients where they’ve been before and where they’re at now, and it’s just amazing.

So thanks again, Carrie. Thanks everyone. And that’s it today. See you next time. 

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