Episode 138: How To Get Clients For Your Facebook Ad Management Services By Tapping Into Other People’s Audiences

If you’re a Meta Ad Manager and you have ever

Jody Milward

How To Get Clients For Your Facebook Ad Management Services By Tapping Into Other People's Audiences

If you’re a Meta Ad Manager and you have ever wondered “Where can I get clients?” you’re not the only one to have asked this question. There are millions of businesses in every country.  Drive 2 hours from your own home and you’ll probably pass hundreds even thousands of them.  There is no shortage of clients.

But how do you get on their radar when it comes to getting hired to run their Facebook ads?

In this episode of Online Confidential where I take you behind the scenes to talk about Secret Ad Manager Business,  we’ll explore ways you can get in front of a warmed-up crowd of ready-to-market businesses who would love to learn more about Facebook Ads and how you can help to incorporate them into their business.

Some of the topics in this episode:

[00:02:30] How ad managers can tap into ready-made audiences, such as local business groups, chambers of commerce, associations, and Facebook groups without sleazy sales pitches

[00:08:20] How to leverage Podcasts to reach new audiencesand how ad managers can stand out when pitching to podcast hosts

[00:11:20] How Upwork can be used for ad managers to find clients. 

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I love to share practical information to help you improve your skills, learn something new or help you avoid the mistakes that many Ad Managers and I have made to help fast-track you on your journey as a well-paid and in-demand Ad Manager.