Episode 119: From no makeup to camera READY confidence in 12 minutes!

Jody hosts beauty entrepreneur Camille, co-creator of 'No Filter Necessary'. They discuss empowering women to feel camera-ready and confident through simplified makeup routines.

Jody Milward

Key Highlights

[00:02:00] Camille’s purpose for empowering women through simplifying makeup

[00:04:00] If you’ve ever felt intimidated with makeup this is permission to try again

[00:06:00] ALL the simple tips to look your best, feel confident and camera ready in less than 15 minutes!

[00:08:00] How to match the right foundation coverage and tone for your skin 

[00:11:00] Camille answers all my makeup questions about shimmery eye shadow, contour, bronzer, bright lipstick and mindset! 

Jody: [00:00:00] If you want to look your best to be on camera and be visible, then you are going to love today’s episode, where I am talking to makeup artist extraordinaire Camille. That’s going to help you have the confidence to get ready on camera in 15 minutes or less. So let’s dive into this episode of Online Confidential, where we go behind the scenes to talk about ‘Secret Ad Manager’ business.

Camille, welcome to the show! It’s great to have you here. 

Camille: Thank you so much for having me. I’m excited! This has been [00:00:30] something I think we’ve talked about for a while, so yes, I was so excited when you asked. 

Jody: Awesome. I’m excited to have you here and to share the secrets that I have learnt from the last probably, oh, it’s two years now.

Since I dove into some training that you have called ‘’No Filter Necessary’’. And this face, this is the ‘’No Filter Necessary’’ face. It’s something that I learned from your training video. And I’ll go a bit more into depth in that in just a [00:01:00] moment. But first of all, for the people who don’t have the pleasure of knowing you like I do, tell us a bit about yourself.

Camille: So I have been doing this business for about 10 years. Baron Artistry was our name and we started out as a duo and now I’m the sole owner. My partner Lindsay and I created ‘No Filter Necessary’ and we were absolutely so pleased with everybody’s results and how [00:01:30] everyone that has taken the course has said that it really does help them when they need to go on camera or show up for their business to feel confident.

I started as a high school teacher, so going way back. I taught high school for 10 years and I enjoyed that, but felt the call and moved to something more creative, but in the entrepreneurial world. And really owning BA Makeup Company was that next step. And what my true passion is not just doing people’s faces, but it really [00:02:00] is teaching women how to do their own and empowering women so that they can feel confident every day.

No matter what they’re doing for work, whether that’s getting behind a camera or showing up on Zoom calls, I just wanted to be able to have women be able to do that for themselves and not feel like they don’t know what they’re doing. Because the beauty world is very confusing, it’s very overwhelming.

And we just want to simplify that for women. So that’s [00:02:30] been our goal in creating these digital courses. 

Jody: Fabulous. And it is like I’ve got a couple of daughters and one of them in particular, they both actually did cosmetics or makeup courses. And one of them, when she’s putting on her full face, she’ll be an hour.

She’s doing all the contouring, all the bits and pieces and it’s man, I don’t have time for that. So my face today, it was like, oh my gosh, I’ve got the call with Camille in 12 minutes ‘quick!’ 

And this is the ‘No Filter Necessary’ face. It’s [00:03:00] my go-to. I use it every day. The products that I use, I still have the same eyeshadow palette that I got from two years ago, and I just do the same thing all the time.

It just goes for any occasion and it’s done so quickly. So while I want to preface this with saying it’s not necessary to be putting makeup on. If that’s not you, if you’re not a makeup person, that’s fine. But for some of us, like myself, I want to look good on camera.

And so therefore, [00:03:30] having a face that is ready, that helps me to have that confidence when I go on camera and go, yep, okay. I’m happy with the way that this all looks. I’m looking professional. I’m looking the part of being this confident woman on camera.

Exactly. It enables me to also do that. I’ll look back at videos that I created before I did this kind of makeup, which is not that hard at all. And I look at it and go, wow. It looks like I wasn’t even wearing any makeup. So with that, just give [00:04:00] us some tips there, because this is a quick, easy kind of makeup solution.

What are the basics that we need to be getting ready to go on camera and we’ve only got a few minutes to spare. 

Camille: I want to start back at what you said. If this isn’t for you or you don’t feel like makeup is something that you want to wear, that’s okay. There is a lot of mindset that goes along with beauty and makeup that can be passed down to us. 

I would just challenge those people to think about [00:04:30] it. Usually what we hear from women over and over again is, ‘it looks good on you, Jody, but I could never do that’. And I just want to challenge anyone who feels that way. ‘It looks good on them, but I don’t think that I can pull that off’.

I want you to look at why you think that and what’s holding you back. Because chances are if you are holding yourself back, I say from putting on a lip color or wearing a little bit of something just to try it, out of fear, then what [00:05:00] else are you holding yourself back from? 

[00:05:28] This whole world of being your own boss and being an entrepreneur comes with a lot of mindset baggage, and part of that is showing up on camera, makeup, beauty, and I just want to get to the root of that and tell you that just because you don’t know how to do it and doesn’t mean that something’s wrong with you.

I really, truly believe that anyone can learn these simple steps and techniques, and you don’t have to [00:05:30] be obsessed with makeup. You don’t have to wear a lot of it. And it’s okay to try it, and it’s okay that you don’t know it. Because I think sometimes we’re telling ourselves in our heads like ‘you’re just all, you’re just good at it’.

Or ‘you’re born good at it’. But that’s not the case. It’s a skill like anything else. And as a teacher, I feel very confident knowing that I can teach any woman to do the basic steps that are going to help them feel really good. Showing up on camera, because what you said is [00:06:00] you didn’t look like you were wearing anything before, even though you were trying.

And there’s just a couple tweaks that you can make to your everyday makeup to make yourself more camera ready. I hope I’m making it back to the point. 

But basically you can change up a couple things like your skin foundation. Sometimes using a more full coverage foundation, but using it in a way that doesn’t look heavy. 

Knowing the techniques to apply it so that it doesn’t look like too much. [00:06:30] That will be enough to help your makeup go up a level to be able to look more camera ready because the camera doesn’t give our colors, our natural contours, things like that don’t show up as well on camera.

So when we’re wearing our everyday makeup, we can look too shiny, we can look raw looking, and it’s just a simple tweak in the type of foundation you’re wearing that might change it. So your BB cream, which a lot of women wear every day, [00:07:00] would be switched out for something more of a satin or a full coverage makeup. 

All of this is addressed in our course,we have options and we give you a product guide that’s low end and high end for different budgets. And then I would say probably my next tip for somebody that just doesn’t have a lot of time but wants to do a little bit more is to add a little bit more blush.

Blush tends to get a [00:07:30] bad rap because there was a season there I think, where ladies used too much. And I think we need to, sometimes, if we’re wearing a full coverage makeup, we also then need to add a little bit of color back in so that we don’t look too pale. And I would say those two things could be a huge switch, let’s say a little switch to make the most impact.

Jody: Awesome. Okay, so a couple of things I’d love to cover there, because, I’m not up to speed with makeup terms and [00:08:00] terminology, full coverage. What do you mean by full coverage foundation? 

Camille: So when you go to the beauty store, this is why it gets so overwhelming for women. Is it’s one line of makeup will have four shades, light, medium, dark, and deep.

And then that’s usually what we call a BB cream or a CC cream, and those are something you can apply with your fingers, your skin shines through. It’s very pretty just to blur out the [00:08:30] imperfections and even out the skin tone, but it’s not necessarily going to be great for camera. Okay. And then you can progress up into these other more full coverage.

We’ll have a bigger shade range. So the bigger the shade range, the more full coverage it probably is because it’s trying to match every skin tone. 

Jody: Got it. 

Camille: So with that, you need a little bit more practice getting your skin matched. And my tips for that are to grab, I have some makeup around [00:09:00] me that I’ll grab.

Go to the store and grab two of the closest shades you can find that look similar to what your skin is. Go to a window if you can at the beauty store and hold them up to your neck. And on your jawline if you can find the one that’s the closest to you, then that would be your best shade range.

Sometimes they’ll help you at the store to match. Drugstore [00:09:30] makeup is a lot cheaper. You can actually buy two shades that are close and mix them together to get the perfect shade and with your more expensive foundations. You might want to be more right on. 

Jody: Awesome and I think that was a big thing for me.

One, I was using a C sponge from back in the day. That’s what I grew up using. And then I went through your course. It was like, ‘ooh, use a brush. oh wow, that applies it so much nicer’. And then also for myself I have more [00:10:00] mature skin and also the results of having lost a substantial amount of weight.

So things are a bit, not as tight and firm as they used to be. So with that, what tips do you have? Maybe for older skin. I’ve heard that for eyeshadows for example, don’t use shimmery, metallic kind of eyeshadows. 

What are some tips there? When our eyelids are maybe not as taut and all the rest of it? 

Camille: Mature skin is definitely it’s where my heart’s at right now [00:10:30] because I turned 41.

Jody:  Spring chicken. 

Camille: I know. But when you hit that 40 mark, everything changes. It just really starts to feel different.

And makeup doesn’t feel as I don’t know, it’s just a little more dull, I would say. Our skin feels more dull. It feels less plump, like you said, we are losing elasticity. And so there’s a couple things that are really, really important. 

I’m actually doing, this has been such a hot topic and I’ve been asked so much.[00:11:00] I’m doing a workshop at the end of the month just on mature skin, makeup and skincare. 

So I always say your makeup is only as good as your skin. So taking care of your skin, drinking lots of water, and always using hydrating products that are going to give moisture back. So something with hyaluronic acid, also protecting your skin from the sun damage is going to be number one, like key, but damage has already been done. 

Once you hit 40 and [00:11:30] over, you start to see spots and you start to see things that you didn’t know were going to show up. My biggest tip for that would be make sure that you’re using a hydrating serum or something under your makeup, that you’re also using a formula that has more nourishment.

For example, here is one, it’s running out, but this is a company called NARS. This is called Radiant Longwear and it has some hydrating [00:12:00] formula in it. Some are drier than others. The other tip that I would say is adding moisture back in by using a sponge with that’s wet and pressing that into your makeup.

After you apply with the brush, you can press this in with water on it and it’ll be wet, but it’ll actually thin it out and make it more hydrated looking. Okay. 

Jody: That’s a great take, definitely. 

Camille: It’s all about moisture and hydration when you get to be feeling like older and more mature and the dry skin starts to [00:12:30] creep in.

Also something that will exfoliate so that your dead skin is being removed. That’s also going to be really helpful for your makeup to look more fresh and youthful. 

Jody: Awesome. Yep. Love it. And I love that tip with dabbing that in because sometimes I’ve put things on and it’s oh wow, this just looks a bit too much.

With that, let’s go back to we’re getting our face ready, we’re getting on camera, that moisture and making sure that our skin is in the best condition because [00:13:00] otherwise I’ve noticed myself, if it’s been a bit dry, I’ll put the foundation on and it’s ‘oh man, it’s all dotty and smudgy here.

And my daughters will say, ‘have you used your moisturizer? Blah, blah, blah’. So I was like, ok, put the moisturizer on first, get the foundations ready. 

So we’ve popped our foundation on and we’ve got that good coverage. That right look so that we’re not looking like a character from Twilight when on the camera. I’ve had that so often. 

One of the things for me has been bronzers because it was like, what’s this bronzer thing? I’ve never used that before. So [00:13:30] tell us a bit about bronzers for those of us who don’t know about bronzers. 

Camille: Okay, so there’s a difference between contouring and bronzing, but if you’re wearing, so if you’re wearing a camera ready, full coverage makeup, you want to do a little contour, but it doesn’t have to be complicated.

It’s really just adding a dimension back into your cheekbone and adding a little bit of a shadow under your jawline or around your forehead. So that’s all that contouring is. But [00:14:00] bronzing is taking a next step into warming up the skin. So your contour is going to be something that’s going to look a little bit more, I would say, gray tone.

And I’m showing you both of them because I want you to understand, and everybody, whoever listens to know that sometimes the products are labeled bronzer, but they’re actually a contour. And that’s very confusing and it drives me nuts that it’s not like the same across the [00:14:30] board.

So here’s, for example, this one is a pretty popular one. We use it a lot.

Jody: That’s the one I got. That’s what I have, that’s it. 

Camille: So this is actually called hula Benefit bronzer, but we use it as a contour because it is more of a gray tone and this one’s hitting pan, but if you can see, it’s more of a dusty, gray, brown.

And whereas your bronzer, I’ll show you that. Maybe if I have one here, [00:15:00] it’s going to be along the lines of more on the orangey tone and sometimes have shimmer in it, so contours look more gray like this. 

Bronzers are going to have more of an orangey sunkissed look. So when you hold them next to each other, it’s like holding something that’s brown next to something that’s more colored, more sun kissed. 

So bronzer is going to be really pretty to put on the [00:15:30] high points of your skin. And look like you just spent the day at the beach. 

Jody: Awesome. What’s the real point of it when we are getting camera ready of using the contour or the bronzers?

Camille: So contour is a must if you’re getting camera ready, just because the full coverage, it takes away the natural contours of the face because it creates this really nice. So like even full coverage. So it’s going to remove some of that. So adding a little bit of contour back [00:16:00] into the skin is giving your skin that dimension and the cheekbones that you need, whereas bronzer is going to be a little bit more of a soft wash of sun.

So the contour is more gray undertone and the bronzer is going to be more of a soft, all over just like a dusting of a warmer color. And the two together, they really mimic just perfect, beautiful skin. Awesome. Because you have the shadow of the darker [00:16:30] one, the grayer one, and then you have the warmth of the other one.

So you’re not looking one dimensional. 

Jody: Awesome. Okay, great. So that’s putting the shape back in those nice cheekbones. A bit of a jawline perhaps, and just a bit of a nice warm glow so we’re not looking so washed out on camera. Yes. Okay. Eyes. What’s some key features with eyes?

I remember from ‘No Filter Necessary’ your program, about hooded eyelids. But what’s just a [00:17:00] nice safe secret with eyes, like I said earlier, mature eyes. Should we use sparkly eyeshadows? What are some tips there? 

Camille: There are rules. Technically most women who have a hooded eye or have crepey lids or our lids are starting to change.

And to have that you could stay away from shimmers because sometimes it will accentuate those fine lines and wrinkles. However, [00:17:30] I happen to say that if you love shimmer and you feel confident in it, I think you should wear it and I think you should rock it and not feel any sort of way because it really comes down to beauty is making you feel good.

And however that is to you, because it’s such a personal thing that I never would ever say, absolutely you cannot ever and should you never wear it. But there are rules of thumb that are good to follow. I would say my [00:18:00] number one tip for anybody doing their eyes is make sure that you have a fluffy shadow brush.

So here’s an example. There’s a lot of eyeshadow on this one. But it’s very fluffy and soft, and most of the time your shadow brushes that come look flat, they’re going to look like that. This is the one that’s going to make the most impact for your eyes. And I can show you because I don’t really have [00:18:30] much on now.

But this one you go back and forth over the crease a little bit and this is called a transition shade. And when you put a transition shade on, it almost looks like I have three different eyeshadows on. It almost looks like I have a darker one here. One here and then a lighter shade on my lid.

So you can get a get by with contouring your eyelid with just one eyeshadow, and then if you have a hooded eye [00:19:00] where you don’t see much of your eyelid, there’s no point in putting on a bunch of eyeshadow. Yep. Just do a nice wash of color just like this, and then you’re good. You don’t have to do more than that.

Now if you want to go in and do more with eyeshadow, then there’s three steps that we talk about. We call it the TLC method, and it’s called a Transition Lid Crease, or Transition Lid Corner. So your transition is [00:19:30] going to be the fluffy one I just showed you. The lid color is going to be applied with something flat.

It’s very, very flat looking, and you’re going to press it in completely opposite of what we just did with this one. And then the last one is going to be a smaller, fluffy brush where you’re just going to do a darker shadow in the corner and over in the crease. And that’s all you need for every single eyeshadow look.

Jody: Love it. So simple and easy, and [00:20:00] that’s what I do every day. It’s like I just have the two brushes and I just have these three colors. Yep. And exactly that. And I love the way the it accentuates, in the eye, just with that first one that you were showing with that fluffy brush. 

Camille: Just the first one is the most important. And I would say that’s probably the one that most women don’t know about and don’t use. So that would be a game changer if you take one thing away for eyes. Just do a pretty transition color and just keep note of this, transition colors are mid tone matte [00:20:30] shades. They’re not shimmery.

So anybody can wear them at any time. But it doesn’t have to be complicated. That’s what I think. And I think that having your go-to look that you can pull out and get it done in the fastest amount of time that’s the goal. 

Jody: Absolutely. It is. Because a lot of us, we don’t have copious amounts of time to be so precise with makeup when we’re just getting in for it for the day. If it’s just going to be some Zoom meetings with clients and then you just want to also just take it up a notch to have a bit [00:21:00] more of a professional business tone. 

For myself, it’s like I don’t even have eyelashes if I don’t put on mascara, they’re white. So it’s just provides that nice little thing. You look in the mirror and you go that’s looking not too bad for the day. It’s just coming from that place of whatever we can do. Because it can be such a mindset game with this whole business thing.

And especially if we work from home as well, then we can, if we’re not careful, our mindset can just go, ‘oh, I just work from home’. Whereas if you do put on some nice clothes, if you do just put on this quick, [00:21:30] easy makeup face then it can just help your mindset to also play at that level that you are actually working at when you are your own business person. Okay, let’s complete it. Let’s talk about lips. What do we need to know about lips, lip colors, lip liners?

Camille: Lips is my favorite because it’s the quickest, easiest way to get a new look with the most simple basic step. One of the popular trends of the year is [00:22:00] to wear a statement lip.

And so I know that you’ve worn a red lip. 

Jody: I have. 

Camille: After our red challenge and so great. I love love helping women find a bright color that they can feel good in. That is going to be, you can wear your natural lip, you can wear a lip gloss. You can wear a soft pink or you can just, if you’re going out for the night or you want to take it up a notch, like you said, you can just apply a bright lip [00:22:30] and that’s all you would need to do to change this look up a little bit.

I would say my three bright lip colors that I think every woman should use is a coral, a fuchsia and a red. There’s a couple of ranges within fuchsia and red that you can play with. There’s orangey reds and there’s blue reds. But I would say any lip that is, if you’re going to be,

I don’t know, be courageous and you’re going to step out your comfort zone. Try to [00:23:00] find a brighter lip that you can apply once in a while. 

Jody: And it is great. Like I find, when I do wear the red lip it’s kinda that really just gives you, a confidence jab. It’s yes, you may feel, oh my gosh, what am I doing wearing this? But the more that you do it, the more you get familiar with it and it really does make an impact on, I feel a bit sassy. I know even when I get my nails done red, it’s oh, I feel a lot sassier. Than I do when they’re just the neutral colors and this is the one that I got from your program and it’s been a die hard [00:23:30] favorite, if you can see the color there. 

Camille: Oh, I love it. 

Jody: I know. It’s just a great color.  I don’t actually have it on today. I should have had it on today. It’s just a great all round color and again, it just comes back to just complimenting the whole face, being nice and easy, and just being something that you can wear every day.

Because again, it can cost a lot of money when I want to get these shades and this shade. I did recently just get my makeup done somewhere and then I had to buy the lipstick to go with it, and that was like 70 bucks. [00:24:00] So I was like I want make sure that this is a color that is versatile.

It’s going to go with what I wear and that I feel confident in it and I can wear it at any sort of time. Love the red lipstick. Ladies, if you haven’t been a fan of red, like Camille said, there’s variations of red. It’s just going into the store and finding one that’s in your tones and that’s what I’m thinking, am I right?

Camille:  Or reach out. You can reach out to me on our Instagram or in our Facebook group. We have a [00:24:30] special Facebook group that’s just for asking beauty questions. Awesome. So if you want a recommendation for any product at all, there’s women in there that will love to share what they love, and I will be happy to share anything that I can to help find the perfect one for you.

But it doesn’t have to be intimidating. It doesn’t have to be overwhelming to learn a little bit. And I just want to encourage any woman who feels like…it’s not too late, don’t feel [00:25:00] like it’s too late. Don’t feel like you can’t learn, because everybody can.

Jody: And have some fun with it. Just talking about Camille’s ‘No Filter Necessary’ when I got it I had the mishmash of various stuff over the years that I’d accumulated from, and there’s nothing wrong with pharmacies. I’d keep an eye out for when things were half price and I’d grab a few things.

But the tools and the utensils that I had were just like, oh my gosh, this is, it was like those old little applicator sponges that I was using. [00:25:30] 

Camille: Throw those away! Throw out the applicators instantly.

Jody: It was so good. It was so good. I got the training and like I said, I got a couple of young women daughters.

And so I said, watch this with me. And they were so impressed with all of it. They loved the products that you used. They loved the way that you know the tips for how to actually apply your makeup and, like I said, they’d done a couple of makeup courses. They’re going yep.

And of course, they watch a lot of makeup YouTube videos. And they were like, yep, good. That’s great. Yes. And they agreed with all of it. It was awesome. [00:26:00] And then it was like, okay, we’re going to the shops. I’m going to get this stuff. And so it was, so I got all new stuff. So it was a bit of an investment.

Camille: It is fun.

Jody: But it’s lasted years. Like that hula that you showed before. I’m still using that a couple of years later. So it was such quality products that have lasted such a long time. That’s the same lipstick and I’m using the same eyeshadows. It’s lasted so long. But it was a great bonding exercise as well.

So I watched this with my daughters, let’s go to the shops. And they [00:26:30] came in with me and it was so good because I’m going, I don’t know anything about this. Show me around. So again, if you’ve got young females in the house, this is a great bonding exercise. I really recommend that. So not just, you get the advantage and benefit of getting camera ready, being more confident for your videos and your images and client meetings.

But also it’s a great chance to connect with your daughters as well. So that’s what I really liked about it as well. 

Camille: And it’s a good overall look that they can take with them for years, like you said. But then [00:27:00] we also have a follow up course that we created that is actually for everyday makeup. It starts with level one being a minimalist makeup look, that’s not really camera ready, but it’s for a person that really just wants the very minimum.

And then it goes all the way up to probably what your daughters would love, which is a full glam. All, like everything in the kitchen sink look that would be a little bit more intermediate. But we have level 2, 3, 4, all in between that. So it’s levels one through five and it comes in a bundle.

Basically, [00:27:30] any look you could possibly ever need for any event in life is in that. 

Jody: Love it. Love it. That’s great.

Camille:. We filled in all the gaps. So we have our camera ready, business polished look, and then we have all of the other times that we want to wear something but it needs to be a little bit different.

Because we always say you don’t wear the same outfit every day. Why would you wear the same makeup look every day? 

Jody: Love it. And because there will be occasions you’ll start going out to networking events, you’ll go out to various [00:28:00] things. I do this look every day, but there’s times where it’s oh, I’d like to do something different. That’s perfect. 

So Camille, where can people go to learn more about you, learn about these products, and then also that Instagram group or whatever that you mentioned? So we can get that personal advice. 

Camille: So we are on Instagram, it’s ba makeup company or @bamakeupcompany, all spelled out. is our website and you can reach out there. To join the Facebook group, [00:28:30] just message me on Instagram. We’re also on Facebook, but it’s called BA Babes & Co. It’s a group that’s private. You have to request to join and we’ll accept you into the group, and it’s a safe place to ask any and all of your beauty questions.

But probably the one place where everything is located is at So go to You’ll get a link to the website, a link to the courses, a link to anything. And we also do one-on-one makeup lessons so we can [00:29:00] actually do a private lesson on Zoom with anybody anywhere in the world.

Jody: Love it. Fabulous. Thank you so much for your time today Camille, sharing your expertise. My hope from this is that those of us who want to get camera ready, who like a bit of makeup on just to help us develop that confidence a bit more and just feel good in our own skin will certainly get something from this.

And therefore, when they’re getting on camera, they’re a lot more confident. So thank you so much for your time. 

Camille: Thank you for having me. [00:29:30] 

Jody: Thanks everyone for being here today. That’s it for today. Look forward to seeing you next time. Bye for now

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