What is one of the best skills you can have as an ad manager, it may not be what you think. So being an ad manager, you probably think there were a lot of skills that are required, and yes there is. And you may think one of those skills is being a Facebook ad Ninja. Well, it is, but there is something that is even more important than being able to launch campaigns, measure the ROI, see what the click through rate is and optimize all the stuffs. One of the things that I’ve been talking with, and is it always something that comes back to me with the clients that I work with is communication.
You see a lot of people when they’re working with ad managers, communication just falls off the person that who has been running ads just disappears. They don’t hear from them or they have to, the client has to keep reaching out and asking questions and seeing what’s going on, touching base to see if there is anybody still there running my ads and to get updates on what’s going on. Now I get when campaigns go South sometimes you want to avoid those conversations.
You may not want to talk with your ideal clients or even when things are going really well. And you’re busy with everything else. Sometimes the client communication can just slip through the cracks, which is a big mistake because it’s, at those times when the clients start feeling like are they really giving my ads the attention they deserve or they really giving me the attention I deserve, I’m paying you to run these ads and all the negative thoughts start coming into it. Relationships are key to doing business.
When you communicate with your client, you are building up your relationships so that when things do get tough and admittedly they do with Facebook ads, not every campaign you launch is going to run out the gate and be 10 X ROI, a return on investment by the way. And so there will be ones that don’t work. That’s the name of the game. And when things don’t work, it’s being able to communicate with your clients and having that relationship to fall back on that they know that you’ve got their back because you’re communicating with them.
That’s, what’s going to see you through and have a great longterm relationship because really the last thing you want as an ads manager is to be turning over clients every three months especially when you’re working as a freelancer and you’re working intimately with them. It takes a lot of time and effort to be onboarding clients all the time. . And then offboarding clients as well.
You really want to be working with clients for the longterm and communication is a key to that. So one of the things that I do when I start working with someone is I will communicate with them every day for 14 days. Just give them updates on what’s going on with their ad account. Even if not too much it’s happened. You’ve just been researching like audiences before the campaigns launched, or you’ve submitted copy off to the copywriter. You would just say, Hey, just touching base. We’ve got some copy and I’m getting created for your campaigns. We expect to have that back by Friday. I’ll send that through to you for your review and comments, easy as that they know something’s happened or the next day we’ve been dialing in, we found some great audiences.
We’ve been doing a lot of research here and looking into your previous data on your ad account. And we can see there’s some great opportunities. And when we launch these campaigns that we would like to try, . So just communicating every day, because that first 14 days is really like a honeymoon period where you’re setting up the relationship and the expectations. .
If you take someone on board and then they don’t hear from you in the first three or four days and they’re thinking, what on earth is going on? I haven’t heard, I guess they’re . Is there anything that I should be doing? It puts some doubt in, so be on the forefront with communication and just be touching base. Then as things are progressing and you’re running their campaigns, a weekly report is something that clients love. They don’t all read it, and they don’t need to know everything that you are looking at when you’re running the campaigns, all the conversion rates and everything like that, just a summary of this is where, how much the leads cost. This is how much it was cost per sale. This is how many sales that we’re tracking.
And this is what the landing page conversion rate is like. Um, these are some areas that we”re going to be continuing to try some, um, audience testing with, or loading in some new copy this week, just a summary then as well saying what’s happened in this last week and what you’re looking at doing this week, whereas things have gone South.
What you’re doing to overcome that and get things up to speed again. . Communication is gold there in your weekly reports as well. Then also just each week, a touch base at the start of the week saying, Hey, this is what we’re working on this week, X, Y, Z. And then at the end of the week, do a wrap up. Because when you are working from home, things can roll over into the weekends so easily and you really want to take the weekends off. ? You want that to be your time? Not only because we’re here to have this work life balance but also so that you can refresh and you can come into it being creative again on Monday.
So do a wrap up at the end of the way saying, Hey, . So as we discussed at the start of the week, we’ve done X, Y, Z, just signing off for the week. Do you have any questions? . And then they see a chance to come in with any questions, yeah great these are awesome. Answer the ones that you can and get back to the ones that you can’t. I’ll get back to you at the start of the week next week, and give you an update on these other questions. . So that is a great frame of it and then also, if there is something that’s underway or in progress, or that’s being actioned, if you do daily updates, just I have my clients in a Slack workspace, their own Slack workspace. And I might just say, hey, we’ve started working on this today. Um, I’ll let you know how that goes, or we’re anticipating, we’ll be launching these ads today or any other back and forth communication that’s going on.
Then again, just like we have the wrap up at the end of the week signing up for the week at the end of the day, saying, , just touching base at the end of the day, we’ve got X, Y, Z going on. . Now the key to this when, if you have 10 or 20 clients,
yes, that’s going to be harder for you. But what I encourage you to do as an ad manager, where you’re charging a higher rate, so you may think you need 10 or 20 clients or 10 clients for example charging a thousand dollars. You need to get 10 to make 10,000 a month. Well, that’s where, when you’re a bit more experienced, I would be recommending you as an ad manager, be charging at least $2,000 a month. Plus a percentage of ad spent. So even $3,000 a month and percentage of ad spend. So obviously you don’t need to have that many clients to break that 10 K Mark. So, charge what you’re worth and communicating are a couple of big things.
So obviously if you do have more clients, if you are working with 10 or 12 clients, get a VA on board, have someone to help you. That’s going to be essential, especially with your communications and everything in the back end. Now, with that, that’s where I would also recommend that you continue the communications. It’s that relationship that you’re building with with your client.
You don’t want to assign that to somebody else. You continue to communicate and have you a VA or someone else to support you, who could do those other things in the back end, such as taking the daily data. . That’s something that you don’t exactly need to do. You’re looking in Facebook all the time. You just outsource it. Have someone who can come on board and they can put all the daily data in and the weekly reporting that will save you hours, that you can put back into communicating with your clients as well, to build those relationships and have a happy ongoing clients. And that’s what we love as ad managers.