Do you have a Power Hour scheduled in your day to work on your business?
That’s what we’re talking about today in this episode of Online Confidential, where I take you behind the scenes to talk about “Secret Ad Manager business”.
As an ad manager, I know the struggle is real to find time to spend on your own business. I’ve got some actionable tips on how a Power Hour will help you connect with your audience, fill your pipeline with ideal clients and crush your business goals.
Chances are you get up in the morning and you’re already thinking about your client campaigns. You make a beeline to the computer, you log in and you’re looking at the ad counts. Before you know, it, you’re relaunching some ads, turning some off, writing new copy, doing all.the.things until it gets to the lunchtime when you realize you haven’t even had breakfast.
The struggle is real!
If this is you the best thing you can do for yourself, your business and your clients is to dedicate the first part of your day to your business. This piece of advice is something I learnt years ago. I heard someone say ‘successful business owners spend the first part of their day working on their business’ and I’ve seen it to be true time and time again.
What could this look like for you and your ad management business?
Your Daily Power Hour
A lot of ad managers tend to go from feast to famine with clients. There are periods when you have clients on board and your books are full. Clients come on board for their launches and then they go off for six months until they’re ready to launch again.
Sure, they’re booked in again down the track but then you’ll go from having six or ten clients down to three and you need new clients to fill those spots.
This is why having a Power Hour in your day is important.
Your Power Hour is the time you schedule to focus on your marketing. You need to be out there and visible. Yes, you do a great job helping everybody else’s business be visible, but you also need to be visible.
I know it can be challenging when you’re comfortable hiding behind the computer and you’re not be used to being out in front and being visible. But there are ways you can do this very easily.
Get visible without having to be camera ready every day
The Client Attraction Code is a really effective method to get visible without having to show up every day. You simply record some videos and create content pieces which you can do once a month. Batch the content so it’s all done and then you just schedule it and rotate the videos and content out.
When you get the data back you’ll see how the content performed and have an idea of what your audience is interested in. Organising your content this way means you don’t have to be going live every day. You don’t have to be turning up everyday because chances are you’re probably not camera ready every day right? I don’t look like this every day. I’ve got my hair pulled up, I don’t have eyelashes because I have no mascara on, but the truth is you don’t have to be showing up every day to be visible.
In your power hour, schedule time even if it’s once a month, to create new video content and load them into your Client Attraction Code so that you continue to be visible in the newsfeed. This really works.
The number of times I’ve heard people I’ve never met say to me, and say to my clients, because I use the same strategy for my clients, ‘I’ve been following you for three months… six months… nine months… a year, sometimes. People are watching and they’re listening and the consistent visibility builds up brand awareness and authority. It means when they’ve reached the buying decision, they reach out to you. Your consistent action will pay off and you’ll have more clients coming to you.
Which means you won’t be in the feast or famine cycle. You’ll have a wait list of people who want to work with you but first you have to get yourself out and visible. You just need to do it.
Connect with your audience
You don’t always need to talk about Facebook. You can give your audience a sneak peek behind the scenes of a day in your life. Sharing your values and your philosophies on life are other great ways to connect with your audience.
I know a marketer, Azriel Ratz who does workout photos. He works out every day, has been doing it for maybe two years now, and posts a photo every day. And he’s got clients on board just by sharing photos of his workouts. He’s met people, they’ve liked his Facebook page so he keeps popping up in their Facebook newsfeed. When the people he’s connected with Facebook are ready to make a decision to hire an ads manager, they just reach out to him and he runs their ads. He works with a limited number of clients and makes multi-six figures a month just with posting his workout photos.
Sharing content that’s behind the scenes or sharing your values and views is great for connecting with people. That’s what people want. People do business with people. Show them who you are so you connect with them on a personal level.
What to include in your Power Hour
How do you make the best use of your Power Hour? Here are some ideas you can get started with right now.
Lead Generation Activities
- Planning and creating posts for social media is super valuable. You can make one of the days in the week the time you write various content pieces and schedule them or give them to your VA who can schedule the posts for you.
- Write an email to your list at least once a month.
- Create a lead magnet like a PDF, a guide, a checklist or cheat sheet to get more leads into your pipeline.
- Run your own ads to get people to opt in and get onto your email list so they can get that email you wrote or a link to your latest Facebook post, it might have been one you recorded earlier in the month and already have scheduled to go out now.
Review Your Expenses
This is something that I talk about with my Elite Ad Managers. Often I’ll ask, ‘What are you paying yourself?’ and a lot of them say, ‘Oh gee, I don’t know’ because they haven’t got to that stage yet. They’re still in the transition stage between freelancing and bringing a team member on board and they don’t really know their numbers.
So use your Power Hour to get to know your numbers.
Write down,
- What are your goals?
- How many clients do you want to get in the next quarter? And then work backwards by asking,
- How many people do I need to have discovery calls with? You may need to have 10 discovery calls to sign up one client. So to get to 10 discovery calls,
- How many people do you need to connect with each day?
Research Ideal Clients
Write up a dream 100 or a dream 20, if 100 is too overwhelming. Create a list of the people and businesses you would love to work with. And don’t be intimidated by big businesses. Chances are if you’re running ads, and especially if you’re running ads for coaches, consultants and digital course creators… seriously, that is the toughest niche so you know more than most people know about running Facebook ads.
You know all the ins and outs. You can talk about understanding client avatars. You know the copy has to be dialed in, and you know all the other pieces that need to be dialed in.
So if you can run ads for the coaches, consultants and digital course creators niche then you can run ads for pretty much any niche. So feel confident reaching out to big companies and corporations.
Go over to their website and do some research. Maybe you see they don’t have a pixel installed. Head over to their Facebook page and see what ads are running and what’s not running. You may have a great retargeting strategy they can incorporate into their campaign.
Make a list of businesses and companies you would like to work with and get on their radar. Go to their LinkedIn profile, engage with it, comment on their post, share their posts and send them a message saying something like,
‘Hey, I loved that post’, or the ‘content or the article about X, Y, Z. It’s so refreshing to hear about (whatever their article is about)’, and then ask them an open ended question.
‘Do you (whatever it is)?’, ‘recommend (such and such)?’, or ‘what’s your thoughts about (XYZ)?’
Start a conversion and keep it going. Everybody loves a compliment. By starting off with ‘I loved this post about XYZ. I shared it with my audience’. They’ll appreciate you’ve done that and you’ll have a foot in the door.
Reach out on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter, wherever they’re hanging out. Go and opt-in for their emails. Reply to their emails. Get noticed in their inbox and be seen. Let them see you, seeing them and reach out to them.
Those are activities you can do in your Power Hour to make sure you have a pipeline of leads and you’re building up your business.
Know your numbers so you know what your revenue will be if you have a number of clients on board, or if you decide to increase your prices, or if you have clients that are at a percentage of ad spend and so you also know how much you need to put aside for tax, your salary and business expenses.
Using your Power Hour to think about your business might also give you the space to identify maybe you’re getting a bit swamped with your workload and need to get a bit of time back for yourself.
It might highlight you need to start looking for a virtual assistant which can also be part of your Power Hour. Write up a job description, do research, then go through the process to find the right person before you’re absolutely swamped in your business and desperate for help.
Doing this in your Power Hour will help you avoid hiring the wrong person because you didn’t have the time to set things up so you would have the right person for your business when you need them.
A Power Hour is super essential for your business.
It will help you,
- Focus on building your pipeline of leads so you don’t feel the stresses and pressure of business with the ebb and flow of clients.
- Know your numbers, set your goals and understand how you’re tracking towards those goals.
By having your Power Hour at the start of your day you get those business critical activites done for your business first, rather than always meaning to get to it and then running out of time at the end of the day. You’ll be more focused and it will make you a better business owner and a better ads manager for your clients.
So do you have a Power Hour? What do you include in your Power Hour? I’d love to know.
Send me an email at
I’d love to hear from you or comment here, I’ll circle back and answer any questions that you have.