Have you ever sent a proposal to a potential client only to be ghosted and never hear from them again?
I’ve got good news! In this episode of Online Confidential, where I take you behind the scenes to talk about ‘Secret Ad Manager’s business’ I share four ways to avoid being ghosted and set you up to close the deal.
Congratulations, you’ve just wrapped up a great discovery call!
You’ve sent through your proposal to the client and you’re so sure they’re going to sign up. So how do you make sure they come on board as a client (if they’re a good fit) and seal the deal?
Here are four ways to make sure you go from proposal to popping the celebration cork with your new client.
1. Set an acceptance deadline
This is an easy one to forget but it can make turning proposals into paying clients a lot easier. Always make sure you include an expiration date on your proposal.
Firstly, it helps you set boundaries for you and your client. An expiration date places urgency around your proposal so your client won’t get your proposal and just sit on it thinking ‘I’ll get around to it’.
Without an expiration date on your proposal you could be encouraging an attitude to take it for granted that you and your proposal will be waiting around forever.
You talk to new clients every day which means your client spots could fill up on any day. If they delay responding to your proposal it’s highly likely they will miss out on working with you. An expiry date on your proposal isn’t an inconvenience. It actually helps them make sure they don’t miss their chance to work with you now.
Secondly, it helps them to appreciate your value because you have boundaries. Straight up from the get-go you’re saying ‘here’s my proposal and this is the date it is due by’. Rather than not knowing where they stand because they have an open-ended proposal. With an expiry date in place you set up excellent boundaries from the start. The client has clarity and there’s also clarity for you so you’re not left wondering if they’ll get back to you at some point.
Thirdly, it gives you a reason to follow up on your proposal. On the day or the day before the proposal expires you can send them a message,
‘Hey, I’m reaching out because the proposal I sent you expires tomorrow at 5:00pm in the afternoon, close of business. Do you have additional questions I can answer and get you slotted into my client roster?’
When you send your proposals include an expiry date so you set excellent boundaries and expectations. You have a reason to follow up with your clients, and you both know there is a time frame for moving forward.
2. Share your client success stories
You’ve had the discovery call and you’ve hit send on the proposal and you might have given the client a five day proposal timeframe.
After a day or two, you can start sending them some examples or your client successes. Your case studies, client testimonials and you can also share some results that are currently happening for your clients.
An email might start as,
Hey Jenny, I was just thinking of you and thought this would be some great information for you to refer to as you go through the proposal. This was a client who was in a similar niche, and we were able to [great outcome] and I’ve sent you a case study to look over. Let me know if you’ve got any questions.
Or it could be,
Hey Jenny, just reaching out as I’ve wrapped up a great launch with a client. We were able to [get this ROAS result or this cost per lead or whatever it may be] and I’ve included the screenshots. If you’ve got any questions, let me know.
Reaching out with something that’s going to be of value to them will position you as an authority and show them you get results for your clients. It also creates urgency because they’ll start thinking “Holy cow, she’s getting that for them!? I better hurry and sign up!”
So send through case studies, testimonials, and information on what’s actually working now as it will help your client make a decision faster.
3. Offer a great deal
Everybody loves a great deal! You can offer a great deal with your ad management services. This can also be a way to help you get comfortable with pitching a higher priced proposal.
For example, if you’re aspiring to get to $2,000/month but you’re just not there yet with your mindset or maybe with your skills and you’re charging $1,500/month or $1,700/month. This is a great way for you to get comfortable with proposing higher at $2,000 a month. Or if you’re at $2,000/month or $2,500/month and you want to get comfortable with pitching $3,000/month for your retainer.
Here’s how you frame your offer as a great deal. You could say,
“Normally to work with me is $2,000/month, but because you were referred by [mutual contact] or because I really love what you’re doing with the product that you have, the people you serve, [here’s a reason] I would love to work with you. Because you were referred to me by Tammy, I’m happy to offer you ad management services at just $1,700/month”.
Yes, you still offer the price your currently charge but by framing your offer as value to your client it helps you feel more comfortable with positioning yourself at the higher rate. Also, when you do increase your rates they’re prepared for it.
They know you ‘normally’ charge $2,000/month but now you’ll feel comfortable with positioning that price and they feel like you’re offering them a good deal right now.
Another option is to offer another service that would be considered valuable to them. It could be a strategy session if that’s not already included with your ad management services.
What else could you offer them? It might be a a bonus 60-minute avatar research session with you. Brainstorm other bonuses that you could add to your proposal because remember, we all love a great deal.
4. Book a Follow up call
When you’re wrapping up that discovery call with them suggest booking a follow up call. You’ll say,
“I’ll get that proposal together for you and send it over by the end of the day. Let’s book in a call on Friday (if you’re sending it on Monday or whatever timeframe works for you) where we’ll just touch base. It’s a quick 10 minute call. I’ll be able to answer any questions you have.”
Now, you’ve already got the next call booked in and it takes the pressure off because you know you’ll be talking to them again. It’s a great way for them to bring their questions to you directly rather than all the back and forth with emails.
You can answer them directly on the call and give them the information they need to get to the point when they’ve had all their questions answered. Once they’re satisfied, simply go ahead and suggest booking them into your client roster.
“So to be able to get you in at this rate on the proposal and to book you into my client roster, we can get started today. How would you like to pay for that Amex or Visa?”
And a tip for you here is to pause. Don’t be tempted to keep talking. Let them answer you. Whether that’s to ask another question or give your their decision to get started, and make their first payment right then.
It’s a great strategy to seamlessly onboard a client because you can book in the first kickoff call and it’s gets things started with a beautiful onboarding experience for your client. Everything is taken care of and moving along which client’s love and you’re in control of the process.
Here are the four ways to avoid being ghosted and close the deal after you’ve sent your proposal,
- Set an acceptance deadline (expiry date)
- Share your client success stories (case studies, testimonials, results)
- Offer a great deal (we all love a great deal!)
- Book a follow up call (be in control of the process)
Has this given you any food for thought? Has it highlighted anything that you could do better with your proposals?
I’d love to hear from you! Send us any email at success@socialcharliecom and let us know how you’ve got on with sending proposals to clients or comment here.
I’ll come back and answer any questions that you might have there as well.