Profile? Page? Please?!

Ok, number 1 rule for Facebook for Business is you

Jody Milward

Ok, number 1 rule for Facebook for Business is you you need a Facebook Page.

This may come as a bit of of a surprise to a number of folk out there – but one of the most common questions people starting out on Facebook have is:
What’s the difference between a Profile and a Page?”  This is probably the number 1 question which gets asked time and again because their on Facebook and they think they are one and the same.

So let’s have a look at it…

Here is my Facebook Personal Profile.  You can see it’s my Profile because it has my name and details about me. Also there is no Like, Invite Friends to Like or Call to Action Button – as you don’t have these options on Personal Profiles.  Personal Profiles are where we post to catch up with friends and family and wish each other Happy Birthday rather than picking up the phone and calling them! (If you do that – stop it – pick up the phone and call your mother! 😉 )

Jody Milward FB Profile Image



Now that we know what a Personal Profile looks like, here’s what a Business Page Looks like

Facebook Business Page


You’ll see where my name is, there is a description for the ‘entity’.  Mine says “Business Person”  but there are a number of options for you to chose from, depending on how you set up your page – Local Business, Company, Brand etc….

I’m sure your little eyeballs have also noticed the Likes, Share and Call to Action Button – which I have chosen “Sign Up”.  These buttons are KEY features for your Business Page to increase your following and connect with your community.

“Ok, that’s all great, but WHY do I need a Business Page to promote my Business on Facebook?”

Well that’s a great question.  Let’s see why…

1. Facebook doesn’t approve of people using their personal profiles for ‘pimping’ to their friends.  Ultimately Facebook is a social platform – where people catchup and hangout.  If people are using their personal profiles to promote their products or services – it reduces the quality of the users experience and that makes for an unhappy Facie.  Facebook is focussed on quality user experience, so they are endeavouring to keep their users newsfeed as engaging as possible and managing the marketing posts to people don’t get bombarded with “BUY NOW” messages and ensure quality content.

So you need another reason?  Ok then…

2. Google spiders Facebook Business Pages.  This means that Google looks at and tracks the posts on your business page which helps your SEO.  Active Facebook Business Pages can rank higher in a Google search than many static Websites which means your Facebook Page could make it to the first page of Google long before your website does – woohoo!

Still need convincing?…

3.  You can’t advertise using a Personal Profile.

If you’re hoping to get on Facebook make a couple of posts which ‘go viral’ and ride the wave of sales without putting any money into marketing, then I suggest you sit down and wait for the Tooth Fairy to bring you $2 when your teeth start falling out 🙂  If you’re in business you just can’t afford not to spend some money marketing, and Facebook is an extremely effective platform to use the ‘refractor beam’ to laser in on your ideal clients, increase brand awareness and connect with your potential clients for a fraction of the price of other marketing options. Even Google is advertising on Facebook – so what does that tell you?

So I trust you’re now convinced to create a Facebook Page for your Business – so how do you do it? – Easy peasey.

Create Facebook Business Page


Simply go to your Facebook Personal Profile and click on the little downward arrow over to the left.  Choose “Create Page”  and away you go.  There will be a number of options to chose from which you can change later on.

However when you choose the name for your page, don’t get too creative!  You want to choose a name thats easy to remember and easy to spell.  Also keep in mind what you are doing now, is not what you maybe doing 5 years from now.  So it may be a good idea to use yourself as the brand (as I have done) that way, you have an open platform to market what ever you like over the years instead of being restricted by your current interests.

One very important little note here is this – you can only change the name of your page ONCE!  So have a think about what you are going to call your Business Page and think twice before you change it.




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I love to share practical information to help you improve your skills, learn something new or help you avoid the mistakes that many Ad Managers and I have made to help fast-track you on your journey as a well-paid and in-demand Ad Manager.