Help my ads aren’t converting!
That’s a call-out I hear a lot in my ad manager communities and many ad managers have ripped out their hair thinking that their ads aren’t converting were in fact, the ads were doing the job that they were meant to do, but it was another part of the process where things were falling down, causing a bottleneck. And so people weren’t converting. So being able to identify where those bottlenecks are is such an important thing. When you’re running ads doing paid traffic to a website or going for conversions, you need to be able to measure the metrics that matter.
Being an ads manager, we’re going to be looking at our ad performance to see if that is the bottleneck? So one of the first places I like to look is the CPM. Now people may think the CPM may be a bit of an arbitrary metric, but it really is so important. And it underpins everything with your ad campaigns.
You’re very likely to be having a high cost per click and a high conversion cost, a lower CPM. Then you’re likely to have a lower cost per click and a lower conversion cost. So looking at those CPMs and they can greatly be affected by the audiences that you’re targeting as well as the ad copy and creative that if Facebook is finding from the data it’s getting back, people aren’t engaging with it, it might give you a high CPM to try and stall those ads so that they don’t feed out because they want people to have a good user experience. So by stalling your ads, it’s getting to less people and it’s keeping more people happy. So looking at the CPM.
Two, I then go and look at the CTR link, the click-through rate for our link clicks. And that’s when people are clicking on your ad to go off of Facebook and go over to that landing page that you’re sending them to. Now our CTR links, we want that to be around 1% or more. That is then showing us that people are finding this ad interesting and engaging. And they want to know more under a 1% CTR is kind of showing us that people aren’t quite so interested..7 still might be okay. If other data points all line up .5 is getting a bit low. Again, it depends on your overall metrics. And if things are still hitting key KPIs, key performance indicators with a low click-through rate, but it’s a good sign that you do need to work on your ad.
And then in your ad would be working on the copy, the creative, that image that’s in the ad, the headline. So you would be continually working on that ad to see if you can improve that click-through rate to get it up to that 1%. So say we are getting a 1% click-through rate? We then go, awesome. People are clicking on it. They’re finding the ad engaging. Great.
Then look at the link clicks. So for that 1% click-through-rate, let’s just say that equals 100 link clicks are a really important column to be pulling into your ads manager reporting is your landing page views. That way you can see if there is a big drop-off between people clicking on the link and going to a landing page. If you’ve had a hundred people click on the link and only 50 people turn up on the landing page, you’ve got a big problem with your landing page, load time, or some other user experience that people aren’t waiting for that landing page to load. So you would be getting back in touch with the client and saying, Hey, I’ve noticed there is a big drop off between the link clicks and people actually landing on the page. So you’ll need to get your web developer to look at it.
It could be something like images on the page are too big. And so it’s taking it too long to load. Maybe there’s redirects going on, who knows, but that’s something that would need to be looked at by them and their team, but you can identify it in ads manager. So again, you can see that, okay, my ads are doing the job.People are clicking. People are getting to the page or not getting to the page and passing that information onto your client. So your CPMs are good. Got a good click through rate? Looking at the cost per click as well. That’s going to be affected by your CPM and your click-through.
As to what that may be, if that cost per click is too high, you’ll need to do some work to get that CPM down or get that cost per that click-through rate up high. So there are three metrics that I’ll look at there in ads manager or four, rather CPMs, the CTR links, the link clicks the landing page views, and also a quick look at that cost per click, because that’s going to greatly affect your pricing. So all those things are good. And in order, that means people are looking at your ad. They are clicking on the ad to learn more. They’re getting over to the landing page, but then what’s happening. Are they not converting? So have a look at the landing page and that may well be the issue.
It could be the headline on the landing page. Is it not congruent with the headline in the ad? Is it not congruent with the messaging that’s in the ad? What’s called an ad scent. People see the ad. They like it. They engage with, they click on it. They go over to the landing page and that should be congruent with everything that was on the ad.
Otherwise they click on it and they end up over on this other page and there’s a disconnect. So they’re not opting in. So have a look for a few key things like that. Headline is in sync. The imagery is in sync and messaging is all in sync with the ad copy. Sometimes there could just be too much on the page, especially if it’s just getting people to opt in for a lead magnet or even opt in for a webinar, for example. And so I find a great headline, a couple of bullet points saying these are the benefits that you’re going to achieve by watching this webinar. Like here’s this benefit so that you can avoid this pain point that they’re currently facing.
So where are they at now? Where do they want to be? And how’s this webinar going to help them to bridge that gap? That’s a few bullet points that I would have there for a webinar funnel. For example, possibly a testimonial from someone who has watched the webinar, not a testimonial of the product, because that’s not what we’re selling at this stage.
We’re selling that click that opt in. We want people to opt in. So we’re selling this first step. So a testimonial of someone and what they’ve got out of watching the webinar or by downloading the lead magnet is a great thing to have on that page as well. So keeping it simple, remember your avatar and who you’re talking to and making sure that that’s all lining up with the ad copy and the user experience.
And the buttons, making sure they’re all working. If you’re not getting, opt-ins make sure you go and check the landing page. It might’ve been set up. It might’ve been working previously, but things happen right? Things break. So make sure you head over regularly. If you’re seeing a discrepancy or dropping numbers, head over and check out the page, maybe it’s not loading correctly. Maybe it’s redirecting. Maybe there’s something wonky on it. Maybe the buttons aren’t even working, the buttons may be working on desktop, but not on mobile. And a huge part of your traffic is coming via mobile these days. So make sure that everything is in sync on the page, that everything is all working.
So therefore you may well discover that is actually the reason why people aren’t converting. They’ve said yes. And they’ve been converting on all those micro steps in that first part of your funnel with the ads. But then they’ve got to the page and they haven’t been able to continue or didn’t want to continue. So that’s where you can identify where the issues may be, not your ads at all. It could well be the landing page and then going on from that, if you’ve got webinar funnels, for example, lots more pieces to play in. There are people watching the webinar. What’s the webinar statistics telling you are people dropping out like at the eight minute Mark, what is happening at the eight minute Mark? How many people are staying on to see the pitch?
Are they clicking the link from the pitch to the sales page or the application page? If it’s to book a call, if not, why not? What’s not compelling at the end of the webinar in that pitch that is getting people to come over and click. Are you getting traffic to the calendar page? Yes. Great. Then look at what’s happening on the land, our calendar page. Are there any testimonials there, what’s the real incentive to get them to book? So there’s lots of pieces of a puzzle, especially a webinar puzzle. Also the emails, emails are so important. What’s the open rate? What’s the click through rate? What’s the sales right from the email campaigns?
So all of those pieces go in to seeing if the funnel is working, but for you as an ad manager, why aren’t my ads converting, go back, look at this initial data and see your ads working with those metrics of like, the click-through rate, the landing page views, et cetera. And then knowing the data through the whole funnel, we’re really going to help to identify where the bottlenecks are.
And that’s what your client’s going to need to work with you and provide that information and dig in because it is their business. They need to know these numbers and metrics. And maybe you’re just the one that’s got to prompt them to be diving in and looking at them regularly and being very familiar with them.
So hope you found that valuable. If you need support running Facebook ads for info products or coaching niche, then I invite you to head over and check out my inner circle. It’s an amazing community of ad managers and coaches who are in this niche, in the trenches. And this is the niche that we specialize in. So head over to circle. And I would love to be able to support you as we’re doing Facebook ads and changing the world for our clients and their clients look forward to seeing you next time.