Why Your Facebook Ads Don’t Convert & Three Things You Need to Do to Fix It!

  “I’m starting to realise how important copywriting is in

Jody Milward

 3 KEYS TO ADS V1 Crayons

“I’m starting to realise how important copywriting is in my Facebook Ads”


…is an all too often comment from entrepreneurs with a product or service they are wanting to promote.


I know first hand just how awesome Facebook Ads are…


really awesome.


I’ve done Facebook Ad Campaigns for clients which have resulted in 10,000 leads and $350,000 in sales, built 7 figure businesses and seen 10x return on investment (ROI), heck even  5,500x ROI using the power of retargeting ads (but we’ll leave that for another post).


But I also know if you have crappy copy, your Facebook Ads are not going to convert – or if they do, you will be paying a higher cost per click.


Trust me.  I’ve been there and done that.  I haven’t invested the time to write and rewrite ads, tweak headlines, test and test again and the results have been like a black firecracker in the night sky.  There’s been an excitement and expectation of something spectacular happening – hundreds of conversions for just pennies and sales galore… but *poof* money up in smoke and nothing to see.


You’re left with your jaw hanging, staring at your screen.


Then you kinda get over it and end up writing something like “I got what you want, just click the button and gimme your money.  Now.”

(ok, maybe now quite so abrupt, but you’ve thought it haven’t you…. Or maybe it’s just me….)


But the words you use in your Facebook Ad – every single word – are vital to the success of your campaigns and the profitability of your business.


The better your copy converts, the more you sell.


Simple huh?


Sure, your ad creative (image, video etc) is really important too but this post is about copywriting. Using words that pique the interest of the reader, prick their pain point, and promise a light at the end of the tunnel bring in profits.


I’m sure you have a fabulous product or service that will help be a solution for someone’s problem and improve their life in some way.  I love it!  But if you don’t get your message heard and sales in, then you aren’t going to help anybody and that is tragic for you and the hundreds or even thousands of people you could be serving.

So how do you write better copy in your Facebook Ads?


Well this where the private investigator in me comes out a bit.  You gotta spend sometime researching….





1. KNOW Your Ideal Client.

If you’ve done the hard yards to put a program together or committed to providing a service, I would think you would have a good idea of who your ideal client is.  But sometimes, we need to take some time to refocus on our client and get really specific.

“I sell weight loss services to women” is kinda broad.  I mean your 22 year old single lady with no kids is less likely to engage to the message that you would give to a 43 year old mother of 3 (like me)


So that may just mean instead of having 1 ideal client avatar, you may have 2, 3 or more.  So take the time to research each avatar you’ll be targeting.  Come up with a name, where they live, career, kids, even print a picture of your ideal client to really bring it home.


If you have clients already, have a look at their Facebook Profiles.  Depending on the security permissions they have set, you may be able to see what Facebook Pages they like and get more information about their interests and where they are hanging out online.  This information will really help you when it comes to targeting the audiences you will serve your ads to as you can explore deeper with Audience Insights.



2. Know What Your Ideal Client WANTS.

One of the keys to copywriting that converts is to not write about yourself though at surface level that is how it looks.  What you’re really writing about is the reader – answering their questions and offering a solution.  Remember, you’re client doesn’t particularly care about you (sorry to bring you the harsh news!), they are thinking “What’s in it for me?”


Write copy that speaks to the reader’s feelings, desires, dreams and fears.  Tony Robbins said “Emotion is the force of life, it’s what drives us” and it’s certainly what drives your ideal client to click on your ad.


So how do you find out what they want?


Facebook groups are a fantastic place to start.  Find groups where your ideal clients are hanging out and listen to what they are saying.  What questions are they asking?  What pain points are they wanting to solve?  Depending on the group rules, you may also be able to ask strategic questions to help you better serve your clients – current and future ones.


So use the priceless information from Facebook groups as a framework to write the copy for your ads.  What positive change can you bring to your reader to help solve their problem?  Focus on that rather than the actual product or service.


3. Headlines Are KING!

According to Copyblogger, 8 out of 10 people will read your Headline but only 2 out of ten will read the rest of your copy.




So if you don’t have a Headline that makes someone tap on the screen and stop scrolling, then you’re in the Newsfeed Whitewash….


So armed with your Client Avatar and the questions from Facebook Groups you have an arsenal of ideas to craft a killer headline.


For inspiration to put it all together, check out Amazon and look at books that align with what you are offering.


What…more research?!




Book reviews are a goldmine for creating copy that converts.  People who loved the book often seem to provide excited statements which feature the benefits they have received from the book.  Also negative comments can also help to address issues which you can counteract in the copy you write for your product.


Be sure to also test the length of your headlines.  AdEspresso tested thousands of Ads and suggests that Headlines with only 5 words convert the best.


“If I had more time, I would have written you a shorter letter”


Benjamin Franklin and Mark Twain are some of the people who have been attributed to this quote.  It is a Copywriter’s golden rule and especially when it comes to Facebook ads as you have just seconds to capture the reader’s attention with a catchy headline and stimulate just enough interest to get that click.


I know it can be hard to get your creative juices flowing sometimes.  That’s where it’s great to look at and model what is already working for top online marketers bringing in 6 or 7 figures from their Facebook Ads.   So if you’re needing some inspiration, click the image below to steal my Swipe File





I love to share practical information to help you improve your skills, learn something new or help you avoid the mistakes that many Ad Managers and I have made to help fast-track you on your journey as a well-paid and in-demand Ad Manager.