How to Use Facebook Live as Part of Your Video Marketing Strategy

If you are tired of creating Facebook posts that nobody

Jody Milward

If you are tired of creating Facebook posts that nobody sees (painful isn’t it!) then you NEED to be using Facebook Live and video on your Facebook Page – it’s ‘crackalackin’! You can get ten times the reach of a normal static post by changing and doing a video post.

The two types of video that we’re going to be talking about is Facebook Live, (oh my gosh, it is huge, you need to be doing it!) and video posts. I know some people aren’t quite up to going live yet and that’s cool. You’ll get there.

Facebook Live. It is hot to trot! There is no doubt Facebook loves it. You may have even seen ads for Facebook Live around the place.

Facebook Live Video Marketing Cheatsheet
Download your Facebook Video Marketing Cheatsheet


Why do you want to use Facebook Live?

  1. Like I said, Facebook loves Facebook Live and they’re going to reward you for going Live on Facebook by pushing your livestream out into people’s newsfeeds.
  2. People are likely to watch your Live stream videos three times longer than just a normal video post. That’s a very important metric to Facebook who sees that longer viewing means it is an engaging video therefore we’re going to show it into more people’s newsfeeds. That is going to improve your reach and your engagement because also….
  3. People are ten times more likely to comment on a live video. Not only are they watching your lives three times longer, they’re ten times more likely to comment. Again, that’s an important engagement metric that Facebook looks at and will improve your organic (free) reach long after you’ve pressed the finish button on your Live Stream.

That’s why you need to be using Facebook Live. If you’re not confident in it yet, there’s a simple hack that you can do. That is, when you put the details in and when you’re ready to go live, you’ll see that there’s a little button just over near your picture and it will say “Public”. If you just tap on that and say “Only me”, then that will show your live only in your newsfeed. How is that? You can practice without worrying about anyone else having to see. It can just go live straight to your newsfeed.

You can have a few practices but promise me, promise me, you won’t be hard on yourself. You won’t look at it and go, “Oh, I’m no good. I’m just going to give up 🙁 ” Don’t do that! Watch it, see how you could make things better and critique yourself constructively and then try again.

Another great hack for practicing would be to create a group with a couple of trusted friends that you can all be in and go live. Therefore, you do have an audience so you can talk to them, you can interact with them, they put comments in, so you can actually get a great feel for what it’s like going live and having an audience. They can also go live in the group as well. It’s a win-win.

That’s another great way to practice going live, is to either do it privately, just to yourself, or create a group with some trusted friends and get the whole experience there.

Facebook Live is a really, really powerful tool for your marketing strategy. It’s something that if you’re a coach, a consultant, an author, a speaker or if you have a skill or hobby that you’re wanting to share with the world, your ‘particular set of skills’, then you need to be doing Facebook Live. You really do!

Another way, to use video in your Facebook Marketing Strategy would be to  do a video post to your Facebook page. That would be where you could record yourself so you can get comfortable in front of a camera (if you’ve got a good camera on your smart phone just start with that), but you have the added bonus of being able to edit it. When it comes to editing, you could just use the simple free tools like iMovie for Macs or Movie Maker on Windows. Nothing big and complex. That’s all you need to be able to edit your videos, cut it down to something nice and upload it directly to Facebook – that’s the important part.  Facebook will reward you with greater reach by uploading your videos directly to the Facebook platform (ie. NOT via Youtube) by putting it out into people’s newsfeeds, getting greater reach and such.

Now, another option for your video marketing is, instead of doing static image quotes, you can create them in a video with tools such as or  They’re tools that are so easy to use and they can create fantastic, gorgeous looking video graphics that you can put on your page. You will see that you will get a far greater reach by uploading these as videos than just a normal static post.


Facebook Live Video Marketing


I’ve created a Facebook Video Marketing Cheatsheet, which gives you tips on how & why to use Facebook Live and tools that you can use to create a normal video post. In the Cheatsheet, there’s an example where there’s a static post that had about 119 people reached, and then a Facebook Live that had 1,117 people reached.  That’s an increase of 838%

That is just the kind of impact that using videos in your posts are making. That is massive, free, organic reach.

But wait just a second…. Here’s the kicker…

Facebook is building an audience of everybody who has viewed your videos. Not just one video, not just two videos, all videos. While these are going out into newsfeeds, getting free organic reach, Facebook is building an audience of everyone that’s viewed them and that is really powerful. There is nothing like video to build up the know, like and trust factor with your ideal client, or your potential students.

That is a massive win. They’re getting to know you, like you and trust you. Then, when you’re wanting to do some Facebook ads, you’ve got a warm audience there already who have watched your videos which is going to reduce your costs to acquire a new lead or customer because you’re not targeting cold traffic who don’t know you from a bar of soap.  This ‘warm audience’ will be more likely to give you their email address when you ask for it.

So not only are you getting the massive increase in free reach, Facebook’s putting all of your videos out there, and building an audience for you!

Oh my gosh, there’s just so much gold in Facebook videos at the moment. When you’ve got a video that has seen massive reach, that has done really well, that people have commented with, you can put just even $1 a day with a Facebook Ad to get it out to a bigger and bigger audience.  Getting people to see your videos and build an audience for pennies!  Which again, will be building an audience that then you can retarget with the next step in your Facebook Marketing Funnel.

If you’re not using Facebook Live or Videos already, or you’re doing them half-heartedly, you really must to incorporate it into your marketing strategy. You will be amazed at the sudden jump in increase of reach that your page will get and the engagement that will come. It really will breathe some life into your Facebook page. You’re going to love it!

Get your FREE Facebook Video Marketing Cheatsheet that has all of this information and more, tools you can use, how do you use Facebook Live, why to use Facebook Live, and how you can also create video posts and tools that you can use. Click here and grab the free download and incorporate video marketing into your Facebook Marketing Funnel – it is powerful. Powerful!


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