Facebook FOMO

Are you suffering from Facebook FOMO? Have you heard that

Jody Milward

Are you suffering from Facebook FOMO?

Have you heard that people can make money on Facebook and you want in on the action? Firstly, in case you’re not familiar FOMO it’s the “Fear Of Missing Out”.


The good news is you certainly can get in on the Facebook action.   Facebook Marketing is a powerful tool for someone who wants to promote their business on Facebook.

“But what if I don’t already have a business?” I hear you ask? Well, lets investigate that option for you because obviously if you want to be making money you have to have a product or service. So let’s do a bit of research (I was after all a Private Investigator!) and look at the very first steps to take before launching a business on Facebook:


  1. Your Product or Service.

One of the most powerful aspects of Facebook is the ability for you to build a community.   You can have hundreds, thousands, tens and hundreds of thousands of people following you, looking to you as the expert of your field. So that then begs the question – do you love it? If you don’t love your existing business, perhaps you can do something with your passion or hobby that’s been sitting on the sidelines. I’ve seen people who were promoting health and nutrition products lose the fire because this niche wasn’t their passion – they were passionate about bookkeeping (crazy I know – I’m sooo not a bookkeeper!) You want a product or service that you love and can easily rave about – that is infectious and people will come to you like bees to honey! If you don’t know what your perfect product or service is, take some time to think about 5 things that you love, are obsessed with, can easily talk about and have a great interest it. This is a great way to identify the product or service for you.


  1. Is there a Market for your Product or Service

Again, my P.I. background has taught me that research saves much heartache! Do some super sleuthing to see what the market is like for the product or service you are interested in selling. You can easily do this by Google search, Facebook Search (using the little search bar at the top) and using the Google Keyword tool . this is a handy tool where you can put in the words “electric foot warmer” and you will see how often the term is searched and if it’s a low, medium or high keyword (high – searched a lot and a lot of competition in the market place!)

A Google search is great value to see what else is out there – what others are doing and also to help identify what you can do different. You need a USP – a Unique Selling Proposition. What can you do differently that will set you apart from the rest. The marketplace is crowded and you need to stand out; because average is dead.

The most unique thing of all is YOU. There is only 1 you – remember that and use it to your advantage. Incorporate your qualities into your business and branding because people do business with people.

With love

jody signature


I love to share practical information to help you improve your skills, learn something new or help you avoid the mistakes that many Ad Managers and I have made to help fast-track you on your journey as a well-paid and in-demand Ad Manager.